As a kid, Donald Vasatka read a lot of science fiction. And yet even he never dreamed the sun would one day power his car.
Fresh Energy
We’re 100 percent in
Our future belongs to us, but it won’t happen without action that is urgent, intentional, and inclusive. Learn why we’ve joined the 100% Campaign.
Fresh Energy statement: Public Utilities Commission makes sweeping commitment to electric vehicles
Read our statement on the Commission’s order to boost electric vehicle integration by directing utilities to support public charging stations and time-of-use rates.
Fresh Energy statement: Xcel Energy’s commitment to 100 percent carbon-free electricity is leading our clean energy future
We applaud the state’s largest utility on making their commitment to a carbon-free economy clear and measurable.
The Schempps take on clean energy
The Schempps are a middle-class family of four, living in their cozy West Saint Paul home. Matthew and Stephanie, an online high school English teacher and an editor, respectively, bought their 1,600-foot bungalow two years ago. The couple lives with their children, Sebastian and Malcolm, plus their two cats, Taco and Josie. They love their tight-knit community nestled near a local coffee shop and the green Cherokee Park of the West Side.
Negative prices in the MISO market: what’s happening and why should we care?
Since wind and solar power are nearly free to run when the wind is blowing and the sun is out, there is a concern that increased renewables may lead to more frequent negative pricing events. However, there has been little data.