What’s next for fossil gas in Minnesota? New report outlines decarbonization pathways and recommendations

For nearly two years, a broad mix of stakeholders—from natural gas and electric utilities to natural gas consumers to workforce advocates to clean energy advocates and implementers—has been convening to discuss methods for decarbonizing Minnesota’s natural gas end uses, with final recommendations published in the report “Decarbonizing Minnesota’s Natural Gas End Uses.”

Energy News Network launches 2021 Detroit Energy and Environment Reporting Fellowship

With co-leadership from partners Planet Detroit and the Detroit Equity Action Lab, ENN has established a joint imperative to recruit, uplift, and mentor BIPOC journalists through the Detroit Energy and Environment Reporting Fellowship program. This year’s selected Energy and Environment Reporting Fellow is Rukiya Colvin, a lifelong resident of east Detroit.

Fresh Energy Statement of Support for Commissioner Laura Bishop

Despite completing the work of the 2021 legislative session, the Minnesota Senate is holding informational hearings on several cabinet nominees by Governor Walz more than two years after their initial nominations.

New law paves the way for deeper understanding of the future of gas in Minnesota

Bipartisan Natural Gas Innovation Act will help Minnesotans gain a deeper understanding of the role of natural gas and dual-fuel utilities in the decarbonization of the state’s economy.

New alternate Xcel Energy plan removes gas power plant, adds clean renewable energy

An alternate long-range energy plan filed Friday by Xcel Energy removes a proposed gas power plant and adds significant renewable energy, reflecting a welcome and necessary realignment with the utility company’s promise to achieve a carbon-free electric system by 2050.