Fresh Energy is reducing emissions from heavy industry and agriculture by shaping climate-focused policies that grow resiliency through innovation, establish new partnerships, and build up rural economies.

Evaluating and advancing sustainable technologies

Decarbonizing the production of goods and materials

Growing jobs and co-creating local opportunities
- What’s up with Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Minnesota?Learn how Minnesota is advancing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to decarbonize the aviation industry while adhering to clean energy, environmental, and social equity principles.
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels: How we can get it rightFresh Energy, Friends of the Mississippi River and The Nature Conservancy have released “Minnesota Sustainable Aviation Fuels Guiding Principles,” which provides a framework for the development, promotion, and use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).
- New jobs, cleaner building materials: Minnesota’s Buy Clean Buy Fair lawMinnesota’s new Buy Clean Buy Fair law will guarantee the state’s infrastructure projects use cleaner, more sustainable materials and support family-sustaining jobs
- What’s up with hydrogen?Hydrogen is a hot topic. Get the scoop on the many colors of hydrogen, its highest and best uses, and more.