We found 538 results for your search.

What’s up with transmission and the energy transition?

At Fresh Energy, we are committed to ensuring Minnesota and the Midwest have a future-proof electric grid that can handle extreme weather and move the higher volumes of electricity that our lives demand. But why does transmission matter so much? Read on to find out!

Powering our future with clean electricity

Mark and Kate Hanson’s home in Roseville, Minnesota, has many special features – but one of the most exciting is their use of clean electricity for heating, cooling, keeping the lights on, and powering the family cars. For nearly 25 years, Fresh Energy has been working to transition to a clean energy system in the state. Increasingly we see that an “all-electric economy” – like the one modeled by Mark and Kate Hanson – may just be the answer.

Our Top 20 Accomplishments of 2020

The accelerating pace of climate change demands swift, bold action and we are rising to the challenge. To close the books on 2020, we’ve assembled this list of highlights. Together we made change happen!

600 acres and 100 MW of pollinator-friendly solar

In 2015, ENGIE Distributed Solar launched a program to provide enhanced ecosystem service benefits from the ground cover under and around its solar arrays on arable soils. Today, the company has installed over 100 MW of pollinator-friendly solar projects, spanning over 600 acres across half a dozen states.

13 years in the rearview: The making of Clean Cars Minnesota

Every day, Minnesotans drive more than 123 million miles—the distance from Earth to the sun, and halfway back again. These miles add up to a massive amount of greenhouse gas emissions, making cars and trucks the number one source of climate pollution for the transportation sector in our state. While Minnesota is working to curb the number of vehicle miles traveled by increasing investments in electrification and in public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure, more must be done to reduce the emissions from vehicles on the road. That’s where clean car standards come into play.