Hydrogen is a hot topic. Get the scoop on the many colors of hydrogen, its highest and best uses, and more.
Fresh Energy
Learn, Lead, Collaborate: A message from Jacquie Johnson, Board Chair
Jacquie Johnson, Board Chair, reflects on her history with Fresh Energy, and the search process for a new Executive Director.
Action Alert: Thank your representative for passing 100%!
The Minnesota House vote was a crucial, landmark moment for the 100% clean electricity bill. Will you send your representative a note to say thanks?
Q&A: Michael Noble departs Fresh Energy with optimism for future of climate policy
Michael Noble reflects on 30 years of clean energy history in Minnesota.
Go Electric! A guide to kicking fossil fuel out of your life.
With the help of guest experts, Minnesotans sharing their experiences, and Fresh Energy staff, we have been exploring what transitioning from gas to electric means at a practical level.
Equitable electricity rates and our energy transition
Electricity rates can either encourage customers to power their lives with clean energy or do the opposite. But how do we work toward rate design that is equitable, responsive, and future-focused?