Michael Noble, Fresh Energy’s executive director, puts it well when he says that we’re living in the “decisive decade.” That’s why I feel so fortunate to serve as Fresh Energy’s board chair during this critical time for Minnesota, our country, and the planet. When I came to the Fresh Energy board six years ago from the world of higher education, I knew the clean energy and climate work underway was important. But now, even more than then, I can see that it is humanity’s lifeline.

Prior to joining the Fresh Energy board, I spent 11 years as Chancellor at the University of Minnesota Morris, where I led during an exciting time of growth, enhanced commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and important sustainability advancements. During my tenure, Morris added a second wind turbine, a biomass plant, and several solar installations. We believed that it was important to use local, natural resources to heat, cool, and power our campus.
I met Michael and former Board Chair Raj Rajan in 2006 at a Fresh Energy event, and the rest is history—a few years later at the urging of Michael, Raj, and Fresh Energy alum Matt Privratsky, I joined Fresh Energy’s board and began putting my expertise to work to help Fresh Energy meet the moment.
As someone in a position of leadership then and now, I place a lot of value in listening to and learning from my peers, organization staff, donors, and stakeholders. I’m driven by my curiosity, and at Fresh Energy, I see these values reflected across the staff and board.
One of the things I love most about Fresh Energy is its bold mission that is advanced every day by a team of people that are smart and committed to making a difference in the world.
And it’s that mindset that we are seeking in a new executive director.
It is a great responsibility and truly an honor to be the board chair at this exciting time of leadership evolution for Fresh Energy. And on behalf of the Fresh Energy board and the Search Committee, I’m pleased to share that the search process for a new executive director is well underway.
Fresh Energy’s board has contracted with an established national search firm that, for the past three months, has been conducting extensive interviews with a broad range of Fresh Energy stakeholders. The search became official in early January when a position profile was posted, and we anticipate interviews will begin in the next few months. As a Fresh Energy stakeholder and supporter, you have so much to be excited about! We will keep you updated as the search process continues.
And stay tuned! Details are still in the works, but I wanted to let you know that planning is underway for a big bash in early June that we’re calling 100% FRESH: Celebrating Michael Noble and Fresh Energy’s Future. Keep an eye out for more information in the coming months!
Jacqueline Johnson
Fresh Energy Board Chair