5 Equity Takeaways in New Utility Energy Efficiency Plans

Young couple moving in new house, changing a light bulb.

Energy efficiency programs are powerful tools that can reduce the energy we need in our homes, apartments, and buildings which results in both lower energy bills for customers and a reduced climate impact.

The Time is Now for Equitable Investments in Minnesota’s Energy Efficiency Programs

Mother and son doing housework together

Minnesota’s investor-owned utilities have filed their latest plans or energy efficiency programs and we know that these programs aren’t equitably serving the Minnesotans who stand to benefit most. Read Fresh Energy’s five recommendations for improvement.

A First Look at Xcel’s $3B Clean Energy Proposal

Windmill engineer inspection and progress check wind turbine at construction site By using a car as a vehicle.

Xcel Energy released an ambitious plan to jumpstart Minnesota’s economic recovery by accelerating spending on clean energy investments. There are still many unknowns, but our policy staff dove in to draw some initial conclusions. Take a look at what they’re celebrating and what needs more work.