Renewables and storage provide reliable, cost-effective, clean energy future for Xcel Energy

On October 15, Clean Grid Alliance, Fresh Energy, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, and Union of Concerned Scientists (collectively the Clean Energy Organizations or CEOs) filed Supplemental Comments to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in Xcel Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan proceeding

New alternate Xcel Energy plan removes gas power plant, adds clean renewable energy

An alternate long-range energy plan filed Friday by Xcel Energy removes a proposed gas power plant and adds significant renewable energy, reflecting a welcome and necessary realignment with the utility company’s promise to achieve a carbon-free electric system by 2050.

5 Equity Takeaways in New Utility Energy Efficiency Plans

Young couple moving in new house, changing a light bulb.

Energy efficiency programs are powerful tools that can reduce the energy we need in our homes, apartments, and buildings which results in both lower energy bills for customers and a reduced climate impact.