There’s a lot going on behind the scenes when we flip the light switch, turn on the tv, or plug in an electric vehicle for at-home charging. Whatever its source, energy must be harnessed or collected, then transported, before it can be used to power our homes and businesses.
clean energy future
Building design’s role in electric vehicle adoption
How can we ensure new buildings are prepped for the electric vehicle (EV) revolution? By weaving charging infrastructure into building design.
What’s up with the cobalt used in EV batteries?
We know one thing: People are talking about EVs! In this blog post, we discuss the cobalt used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
MiEnergy Cooperative is building an all-electric, efficient future
Farmers and ranchers formed America’s electric cooperatives more than 75 years ago, as a strategy to secure electricity and bring stability to rural communities. MiEnergy, a co-op based in the Southeastern corner of Minnesota, and serving Northeastern Iowa as well, has been carrying power to its 18,700 member-owners since 1936.
Aryanna and Elena head to D.C. in an EV
Aryanna and Elena, 11 year old activists from the Twin Cities, are serious about climate change. This summer, with their dads’ guidance (and driving!), the best friends set off on an all-electric road trip to Washington D.C.
Carlos and Maria save with solar energy
Carlos and Maria Guzman were new to clean energy when they got a knock on their door from a community solar garden representative early this year.