It is likely that between Fresh Energy newsletters and events over the past few months you have heard that I am “rewiring” this spring and moving on to what’s next for me personally. I made the initial announcement at our Benefit Breakfast in October—check out the video here! Some call it retiring, but I’m calling it rewiring because my professional life has been dedicated to the clean energy movement—and so too will be my retirement.
For someone with a degree in the history of religion from Carleton College, I found an unexpected path for myself. When I started out helping folks weatherize their homes, I could never have foreseen that I’d have the good fortune to make my career working with Fresh Energy for 30 years. Actually, one could argue that Fresh Energy made me! In fact, I’ve recently had the honor to be interviewed by both the Star Tribune and MinnPost about my 30-year career.
When I think of my time in the energy and climate movement, I’m always tempted to say, “I’ve seen it all”—but that wouldn’t exactly be the truth. I’ve seen and been part of a lot, to be sure—from a front row seat to the ribbon cutting of North America’s first wind farm (outside of California) on Buffalo Ridge to pizza parties with legislators—I’ve found myself in some interesting circumstances. But I certainly haven’t seen it all. And that’s because the team at Fresh Energy keeps surprising me with what they accomplish. Every single year Fresh Energy has a whole list of “firsts” and it is my honor to have played a role at this history-making organization.
Fresh Energy’s ability to make history is thanks in large part to our supporters—key ingredient of the Fresh Energy magic. If you want to learn more about how you can keep advancing Fresh Energy’s energy and climate work, visit our “Ways to Give” page.
Cheers to a historic 2023!
And stay tuned! Details are still in the works, but I wanted to let you know that planning is underway for a big bash in early June that we’re calling 100% FRESH: Celebrating Michael Noble and Fresh Energy’s Future. Keep an eye out for more information in the coming months!