It’s time to vote! But what’s that constitutional amendment on my ballot?

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Fresh Energy staff and volunteers went door-knocking to get out the vote with Minnesota Voice.

Minnesotans have long led the way for civic engagement, consistently leading the nation in voter turnout. And we’ve good reason to do so: our government functions at its best when it fully represents the voices and values of its residents.

The 2024 General Election has begun in Minnesota, and you can cast your ballot by mail or in-person from now until Election Day on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. It’s time to deliver on Minnesota’s reputation as consistent voters: From the local level, state and national levels to an important constitutional amendment, the choices we make at the ballot box will have lasting impacts on our communities, environment, and future.

Whether you prefer to vote early in-person, by mail, or at the polls on Election Day, now is the time to ensure your voting plan is ready and encourage your friends and family to vote.

As Election Season spins into high gear, here’s what Fresh Energy is doing and thinking about:

Every voice, every vote: Shaping Minnesota’s future

This year, Fresh Energy has partnered with Minnesota Voice, a coalition of organizations committed to expanding civic engagement and voter participation in underrepresented communities. Democracy works best when it represents the values of all Minnesotans, and we’re striving to ensure that every voice is heard.

Minnesota Voice works with nonprofits like us providing resources and tools to expand our voter registration efforts, like our work doorknocking to encourage residents to vote in the upcoming election.

We believe that collective power comes from increasing participation in the political process.

When more Minnesotans vote, our democracy becomes stronger, fairer, and more reflective of the needs of our communities. Through doorknocking and encouraging voting plans, we are working together to make sure every eligible voter is ready to cast their ballot.

How do I make an impact?

Casting your ballot is just the first step. You can make an even bigger impact by encouraging others to vote, starting with your friends and family. Research shows that a message from a friend can increase someone’s likelihood to vote by 8.3% (full study here!). Whether it’s a quick text message, a social media post, or a small conversation next time you’re hanging out together, your voice can influence others to get involved in the democratic process.

After you’ve voted, take a moment to reach out to your friends and family. You can use social media to remind your network to vote by directing them to the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website, where they can find everything they need to know about voting, from voter registration to polling locations. A simple reminder from someone they trust can be the small nudge they need to take action.

If you want to stay engaged after Election Day, Fresh Energy’s Action Network is a great opportunity to continue using your voice for climate action. By joining our Action Network, you’ll receive updates on legislative efforts, opportunities to contact elected officials, and ways to get involved in shaping Minnesota’s clean energy future.

And one of the best ways you can support Minnesota’s future is by voting “YES” on an important constitutional amendment on this year’s ballot.

Vote “YES” on the constitutional amendment to fund Minnesota’s great outdoors

This November, there’s more at stake on your ballot than voting for elected officials. Fresh Energy cannot and does not endorse or oppose candidates running for office. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot encourage public engagement in civic processes and ballot initiatives. On the front of every Minnesotan’s ballot is a question about protecting our great outdoors.

Fresh Energy strongly encourages residents to vote “YES” on this constitutional amendment to continue to dedicate a portion of state lottery proceeds to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF).

Over 30 years ago, Minnesotans voted to dedicate a portion of state lottery proceeds to conservation. Since then, it’s provided over $1 billion for our great outdoors. To ensure this critical funding source remains dedicated to the great outdoors, over 50% of voters must vote “YES” on this constitutional amendment. Leaving the question blank counts as a “NO” vote. If it doesn’t pass, the constitutional protection for this important conservation funding will expire.

By voting “YES” on the constitutional amendment, you will ensure we continue to use lottery funds for the great outdoors just as we have for the last 30 years and fund programs that protect Minnesota’s lakes, rivers, forests, and wildlife habitats. This critical funding has been in effect since 1991 and supports projects that enhance outdoor recreation and protect our beloved natural resources. Voting “YES” will ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy Minnesota’s great outdoors for years to come.

Here’s what you need to know about the ballot question:

  • The amendment will extend the transfer of lottery proceeds to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) until 2050. We’ve funded this program since 1991, a “YES” vote will continue that funding for another 25 years.
  • It would continue a popular, effective program. Minnesota has passed this three times in the past. Every time voters have been asked if we should continue to use lottery proceeds to protect our lands, waters, and outdoor recreation, over 70% have voted “YES.”
  • The funding will continue to support projects that conserve water quality, protect wildlife habitats, and improve access to parks and trails across the state.
  • Leaving the question blank counts as a “NO” vote, so be sure to mark “YES” on your ballot to renew our support for Minnesota’s great outdoors.

Voting is one of the most powerful ways we can make our voices heard on the issues that matter most. Whether it’s voting “YES” on the constitutional amendment to protect our great outdoors or supporting elected officials that best reflect your values, this election is our opportunity to make a lasting impact.

Make your plan to vote before or by November 5, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Together, we can ensure that Minnesota remains a leader in voter turnout and conserving our natural resources.