Celebrating Fresh Energy’s new and departing Board members

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Fresh Energy has exciting work underway with a new “Vision 2030: Fresh Energy’s Strategic Framework” approved by our Board of Directors in October 2024 and set for sharing more broadly soon. Our Board of Directors itself also is changing with three new members joining in July and several long-time members completing 10-year terms.

We are also pleased to announce the Fresh Energy Board of Directors Officers: Ellen Palmer is the new Chair, Trent Mostaert will remain Vice Chair, Kate Wolford will remain Secretary, and Jacqueline Johnson is the new Treasurer.

Goodbyes are more difficult than hellos, but we are so thankful for the long-term service of three outgoing board members who served the very maximum time allowed by our bylaws. Raj Rajan, Chris O’Brien, and Jeff Broberg, we appreciate your combined 30 years of board service and leadership. Your sound governance, committee leadership, critical role in strategic planning, and other insights have made such a difference in the organization.

“Fresh Energy’s past board members are what helps make Fresh Energy so special and grow as a strong, effective organization. The new board members who joined us in July bring a wonderful mix of enthusiasm and intersectional experience to Fresh Energy. We can’t wait to work together in the coming years,” said Brenda Cassellius, executive director.

You can view the full list of Fresh Energy Board Members here.