Update: Governor Tim Walz has accepted the resignation of Laura Bishop, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Commissioner. We wish Commissioner Bishop the best in her next chapter and look forward to continuing work with the Walz Administration and MPCA on climate solutions for the health and wellbeing of Minnesota.
Today, despite completing the work of the 2021 legislative session, the Minnesota Senate is holding informational hearings on several cabinet nominees by Governor Walz more than two years after their initial nominations. Among the nominees scheduled for a hearing today is Laura Bishop, Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), who has been serving in her role since being nominated at the beginning of Governor Walz’s term.
“Fresh Energy has been proud to support the MPCA’s leadership in developing Clean Cars Minnesota—a proposal that will reduce pollution, save lives and improve options for Minnesota consumers,” said Michael Noble, Fresh Energy’s Executive Director. “In completing Clean Cars Minnesota, Commissioner Bishop was acting on authority specifically granted by the Legislature and following the lead of 15 other states from around the country. It is beyond understanding why the Minnesota Senate would attempt to use this popular, reasonable, and successful policy as a cudgel against a qualified nominee for MPCA Commissioner in Laura Bishop. Fresh Energy strongly supports Commissioner Bishop’s confirmation.”
For more information on Clean Cars Minnesota, visit https://minnesotansforcleancars.com/