Legislative and Policy Goals Amidst COVID-19

With the end of session looming, the Minnesota Legislature has begun to hear consensus business, including some much needed clean energy initiatives.

Drs. Katharine Hayhoe & Marla Spivak with Fresh Energy on PV Solar, Pollinators

Join nationally leading experts Dr. Marla Spivak, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, and Rob Davis for an in-depth discussion on their work around the global climate crisis, clean energy, and pollinator health.

Fresh Energy Statement: Tailpipe Emissions Rollbacks are Another Threat to Public Health and Freedom

67181910 - air pollution from vehicle exhaust pipe on road

Federal tailpipe emissions rollbacks starkly illustrate the need for the type of state-level action and committed health, safety, and climate leadership shown by Governor Tim Walz and his administration.