Fresh Energy Statement: Tailpipe Emissions Rollbacks are Another Threat to Public Health and Freedom

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Federal tailpipe emissions rollbacks starkly illustrate the need for the type of state-level action and committed health, safety, and climate leadership shown by Governor Tim Walz and his administration.

Fresh Energy applauds Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency’s plans to be 80% carbon-free in 2030

Photo by Mulad via Wikimedia Commons

Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) announced on February 5, 2020, its plan to reshape its generation portfolio through the retirement of the Sherco 3 coal-fired power plant in 2020 and replace it primarily with wind and solar generation.

Our “Top 13” Accomplishments of 2019

The accelerating pace of climate change demands swift, bold action and we are rising to the challenge. To close the books on 2019, we’ve assembled this list of highlights. Together we made change happen!