Fresh energy as the trusted voice

Tarek and Julie Alkatout had never heard of a Passive House before starting their remodeling plans with their architect in 2014. The couple knew they needed a functional and dynamic home to accommodate their growing family of two sons and a daughter. They quickly learned their architect’s specialty lay in Passive Houses, a German-inspired building standard that utilizes ultra-high standards for energy efficiency, thereby reducing a home’s ecological footprint.

The Alkatout’s home relies on 17,000 pounds of insulation, an advanced air exchange system, triple pane windows, and a mini-split heat pump. Surprisingly, the home does not require a furnace. And the family’s lifestyle extends beyond their energy efficient home. “It’s also about reducing and conserving our energy use, not simply finding an alternative or replacement source. We’re raising our kids to understand how to take good care of the limited resources we have on this planet.” The family also drives an electric vehicle and they’re proud subscribers in Xcel Energy’s Windsource program.

Tarek has found that Fresh Energy has been a wonderful resource to them on tackling the energy crisis and influencing decision makers. “Fresh Energy is a strong voice for making changes that scale with the significance of the problem.”