2017-2018 Donors

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Thank you to our generous donors for partnering with Fresh Energy to speed the transition to a clean energy economy benefiting all. Below, we recognize those who contributed to Fresh Energy’s work between February 1, 2017 – January 31, 2018.

Fresh Energy’s Power Circles recognize the leading individuals, businesses, and organizational members who make generous unrestricted contributions of $1,000 and above each fiscal year.

Newton Circle
$10,000 or more
Accredited Investors Wealth Management®, An Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Design Forty Five, Mark and Kate Hanson, Lang Family Foundation, John Larsen and Mike Stewart, Ross and Bridget Levin, M.A. Mortenson Construction, Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Mary Jo and Mark Nissen, Rahr Corporation, Federico and Nassim Rossi, The David Winton Bell Foundation, The John Larsen Foundation

Curie Circle
$5,000 – $9,999
An Anonymous fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Carol Andrews, Conley Family Foundation Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Mike and Sharon Conley, Ted Contag, GiveMN, Great River Energy, Minnesota Solar Connection, NRG Energy, Piper Jaffray Matching Gifts, Cheryl L. Appeldorn and Thomas P. Schnettler, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Matching Gifts, Kate Wolford and Ed Reilly

Edison Circle
$2,000 – $4,999
Donna W. Allan and Bill Mahlum, Randy and Bird Anderson, Anonymous (2), Avangrid Renewables, John Berns, Richard W. and Jean Illsley Clarke Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Cresa Minneapolis, Kim and Carol Culp, Christine and Loren Danielson, Davies-Sommer Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Alan and Lollie Eidsness, Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation, Becky Erdahl, iDEAL Energies, Indeed Brewing Company, Nancy Johnson and Paul Anton, Juhl Energy Inc., Tracy Van Steenburgh and Jim Ladner, Lenfestey Family Foundation, David and Sarah Lilja, Cotty Lowry and Laurie Jacobi, Morrow-Pippin Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Jan and Rick Neville, Kavitha Sitaram and Raj V. Rajan, Peter and Anne Reich, Kathleen Remund and Diane Light, Amber Rudell, Don Shelby, SolarStone Partners, LLC, Stinson Leonard Street LLP, Stoel Rives LLP, Medora Woods, Xcel Energy

Tesla Circle
$1,000 – $1,999
Philip and Kathy Adam, All Energy Solar, Anonymous, Atomic Data, Matthew Bertolatus, James Bertrand, Brad and Julie Blue, Paul and Shannon Burke, Kathleen and Steven Chesney, David Chizek, MD, Steve and Christine Clemens, Angie Craig and Cheryl Greene, David and Kitty Crosby, Charles Dayton and Sara Evans, Joe DeVito and Holly Kuznia, Dennis and Nickie Dillon, John and Susan Dunlop, Christopher Ennis, Nicholas and Sarah Garbis, GE Foundation Matching Gifts, John and Patricia Gries, Ross and Monique Hammond, Karen and Ken Hannah, Mark and Kate Hanson, H.B. Hayden Jr., Stewart and Linda Herman, Nancy and James Hiebert, Institute on the Environment, IPS Solar, John and Thelma James, Ralph Jenson, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Matching Gifts, Kathleen Jones, Dennis Kim, Alexandra Klass, Gary Konkol, Jukka and Susanne Kukkonen, Kevin Lawless and April Egan, Alice Lesney, Ann Manning, Melissa Partin and Brian Martinson, Sean McCauley, Kathy Iverson and Michael Menzel, Forrest and Joan Meyer, Midwest Renewable Energy Association, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Lucy and Bob Mitchell-The Longview Foundation, Charles and Candice Nadler, Jack and Sara Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jane Newman and Amy Lange, Michael and Patsy Noble, Nokomis Partners, Chris O’Brien, Helen Paul and Steve Arnold, William and Markell Rahr, Gary and Susan Rappaport, Melissa Rappaport Schifman and James Schifman, David Robinson and Jan Ekern, Kris Rose, Deborah Schlichting and Charles Blomme, Gael Entrikin and Ray Schmitz, Gary and Mary Ann Schokmiller, Tim Seck, Kenneth and Julie Smith, Bruce D. Snyder, Wendy and John Strachota, The Minneapolis Foundation, Third Level Design, Louis and Barb Turner, John and Nina Tuttle, Jack Uldrich, James P. Uttley, David Dudycha and Dorle Vawter , Peter and Kimberly Walsh, Steve Wilson and Mary Shedd

$500 – $999
Anonymous (2), Lane Ayres and Marion McNurlen, Peter H. Bachman and Janet Rice Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Jeffrey S. Broberg, Melissa Mae Brown, Terrance Brueck, Jay and Page Cowles, Rob and Liza Davis, Snehal and Stacy Desai, Paul Douglas, Dawn Eimers, Laura and Cody Fleischfresser, Peter Gove, Ellen Dayton Grace, Roberta Rott and Larry Hanke, Sarah Harris, Harvard Business School Owner President Management Program XI, John Heer and Jody Copp, Dan and Sara Holmdahl, Will and Claudia Kaul, John and Anita Kes, MinnSolar, Jeffrey Lassig, David Leppik and Jordan Wood, Madeleine and Philip Lowry, Robert Martine, Robert McKlveen and Ellen Jones, Jerry Miranowski and Donna Kelly, Trent Mostaert, Fran Neir, Caryl Nelson, Karyn and Stephen Paulman, Phillip Peterson, Steve Polasky, Ann Marie Possis Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Debra Rappaport, Todd Reubold and Veronika Torarp, Matt Samuel, Doug Shoemaker and Pat Schoenecker, Laurel Gamm and Charles Stephens, Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal, Mary T’Kach, UnitedHealth Group Matching Gifts, Curt Volkmann, Ian and Julie Williams, Mary Woollen and Clark Heindl, Harry and Belle Yaffe Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

$250 – $499
Michael Ackermann, Mark Ahlstrom and Debra DeBruin, Barbara Allan, Brian and Maria Allen, Mike Anders, Nancy Andrews, Walker and Jan Angell, Anonymous (1), Dick and Cathy Bernard, Amy and Paul Biewen, Janet and Mike Brown, Linda Bruemmer, Mark V. Chapin, Alex Clark, Virginia Dale, Jim Davidson, Kathy and Gary Denault, Rick Duncan and Beth Goodpaster, Ken and Carol Engelhart, Betsy Engelking, Richard and Carol Flint, Amy Gilbert, William and Marlene Haider, Hawn Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Tim Hebrink, Jessica Hellmann, Steve Herman, John F. Hick, Paul Hoff, Judy and Alan Hoffman, Paul and Linda Holt, Stephen and Lusia Hornstein Family Fund #2 of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Jacqueline Johnson, Ralph Kaehler, Kendall-Milton Charitable Trust, Sheila Kennedy, Jamal Knight and Kristin Kelly, James Manolis and Emily Green, Mike and Fran McCloskey, Donald McClure, Minnesota Community Action Partnership, Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association, Tom Mueller and Art Punyko, Geoffrey Nadler and Catherine Manalo, Bruce Nelson and Barbara Watts, The Richard and Joan Newmark Fund, Roger L. Newton, David and Michelle Nicolai, Duane Ninneman and Maureen Laughlin, Dick and Judy Ottman, Shawn and Rebecca Otto, Scott Alsleben and Ellen Palmer, Bharat Parekh, Garry George and Beth Pearlman, William Pickard, Matt and Rochelle Privratsky, Scott Privratsky, David Rapaport and Jeanne Kirby, Jeff Riegle, Lucy Rogers, Robert and Lynn Rudell, Bill Smeaton, Nell and Chris Smith, Soltek LLC, Catherine Spengler, Stacy and Michael Sullivan,
Sullivan Renovation Inc., Karen Suzukamo, The Crosswols Foundation, Dennis L. Thompson, Sam and Megan Villella, Ann and Karl Vohs, Paul and Janelle Wegner, Irving and Marjorie Weiser, Jason Willett, Carol Witte and Winston Cavert”

$100 – $249
Ross and Jennifer Abbey, Chris Abbott, Kathi Ackerman, Deepak and Pamela Advani, Stacy Allan, Michael Allen, Bill Elwood and Betsy Allis, Frank Altman, Ellen Anderson, Marna Anderson, Sandra Anderson, Anonymous (20), Michael Arquin, Louis Asher and Lisa Wersal, Paul Austin, Rodney Baakkonen, Jan Baker, K Bancroft, Courtney Barancin, Imogene Bass, Eric and Maria Bavier, Sheila Bayle and Glen Olson, Mike Bedessem, Larry Bemm, Jim And Marsha Benshoof, Sara Bergan, Eric and Lisa Berglund, Sue Bergstrom – HR Connection, Bill Berneking, Jacque Bieber, Shirley Bierma, Amanda Bilek, Ginny Black, Matthew Blackler, Jane Blanco, Jeff Blodgett, Marv and Judi Boike, Travis and Chiara Bolton, Gary and Sharon Borg, Bret W. Borth, Boston Scientific Matching Gifts, Stephanie and Craig Bowron, George Boyadjis, Matt Boys, William Bradley, Braun Intertec Corporation Matching Gifts, The Bretzke-Hanson Family Fund, Jonee Kulman Brigham, Ralph and Mary Brindle, Tom and Mary Florence Brink, Thomas Brinkman, Joanne Broady, Mike Brown, Charley and Shelby Bruce, William Buell, CQB Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Tom Burman, Marin Byrne and David Bitner, David Carroll, Tara Carson and Jason McVay, Hugh Cherne, Citizens for Global Solutions Minnesota, John Clancy, Merritt Clapp-Smith, Sarah and Whitney Clark, Jerry Cleveland, Robert and Diane Coderre, Richard Condon, Ray and Ellen Cox, Brian Coyle, Bruce Crawford, Mike and Becky Creglow, Leigh Currie, Bob and Jeanne Cutshall, Don and Jean Dahlstrom, Joe Dammel, Charles Darth, Joshua Davis, Andrew Dayton, Gary and Connie Degrote, Alan Norton and Kathleen Doran-Norton, Tim Dordell and Kirk Ballard, Steve Dorgan, Andy Dosdall, Amy and Justin Dritz, Anita S. Duckor, Chris Duffrin, Jim Dustrude, Earthtech Energy, Sen. Chris Eaton, Robert Ed, Lawrence Edlund, Jennifer Edwards, Louise A Eidsmoe, Steve and Judy Elkins, Mark Ellenberger and Janet Zander, Virginia Evans, Chris Farrell, Ethan Fawley and Lesley Schack, Ben Rabe and Annie Fedorowicz, Ryan Fegley, Don Ferber, Margaret Finlayson, Dean A. Flugstad, Mari Forbush, Alison Forney-Gorman, Dutton and Caroline Foster, Ned Foster and Laura Tiffany, Katie and Rick Fournier, Carol Freeman, Rick Frith, Stephen and Monica Frytak, Katie Galloway, Hal Galvin, Andrew Gibbons, Ellen Gibson, Christine Gleckner, Lynn Glesne, Dan Gold and Alexis Broome, Don and Gerry Grant, Bob Gubrud, Guncheon Financial, Kyle Haab, Bryce Hamilton, Patrick and J. Drake Hamilton, Shawntera Hardy, Paul Harle, Dr. Mary Harlow, Anna and Ian Harmon, Shawn Hartfeldt, Derek Hasek, Ed Hasselman, Connie Hayden, Jack Hays, Susan Hedin, Nancy Read Hendricks, Melina Weir and Charlie Henrikson, Lisa Herschberger and Mark Clary, Beverly Jones Heydinger, Neil Hodges, Kathy Hollander and Rodney Johnson, Colleen Hollinger, Seth and Nancy Hoyt, Heather and Jeff Ilse, Monica and Rex Ingram, Dana Jackson, Barb Jacobs, Deborah Jacobs and William Ribbel, Erick and Natalie Jacobson-Dunlop, Matt Janssen, Doug Johnson, Kyle Johnson, Lucinda Johnson, Margit and Eric Johnson, Robert and Joycelyn Johnson, Roxanne Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Sarah Johnson Phillips, Norman Jones, Charles and Sally Jorgensen, Jeremy Kalin, Kandiyo Consulting, Robert Karasov, Michael and Theresa Karels, Darla Kashian, Patricia Kaye, Jake Keeler, James Keller and Patricia Johnson Keller, Kathleen A Kelley, Tam Kemabonta, Slade Kemmet and Katie Harrington, Tom Kiekhafer, Audrey Kingstrom and Robert Aderhold, Julie Klassen, Leo Klisch, Paul Knapp, Kathy Koch, Koda Energy, Larry and Cynthia Koehler, Rao Konidena, Erik Korpela, Kate Kosiek, Thomas Erling Kottke, Lawrence Krantz and Diane Pittman, John and Barbara Krenn, Ron Kroese and Kimberly Colburn, Sharon and Wayne Kutter, Duke Kuvaas, Brian Kuyath, Peggy Kvam, Steve Lader, Jennifer LaForgia, John Langhus, Larry Lark, Colles and John Larkin, Elise Larson, Richard Larson, Cindy Larson O’Neil and Tom O’Neil, Meggie LaValley, Sandy LaValley, Rich and Lori Lehman, Channon Lemon, Lynn and Steve Lewis, Brad Lila, LeRoger Lind, Eric Lindseth, Judy and Greg Lissick, Joe Lofgren, Leslie Lofgren, Dee A Long, Jamie Long, Sandra Long, Douglas Lucas, Alexis Ludwig-Vogen, Paul Lukens and Nancy Hoeft, John and Mary Ann Lundquist, David Maas, Robert Mackie, Maggie Madden, Mike and Marta Maddy, Marcus and Regina Magnuson, Brian Mahaffy, Thomas Mahlum, Bill Mahlum, Jr. and Kelly A. Jones, Helen and Bob Mairs, Bridget Manahan and Joe Alexander, Mankato Area Environmentalists, Bethanie and Greg Mann, Kathy Martin, John and Connie Marty, Keith Schwartzwald and Susan Marvin, Jim and Carol McKinney, Medtronic Matching Gifts, Tom and Aggie Meium, Harry Melander, Matthew Melewski, Douglas Mensing, Mike Menzel, David Metzen, Glenn Miller and Jocelyn Hale, Stacy Miller, Minnesota Environmental Fund, Minnesota Farmers Union, Chris Moakley, Ashley Moen, Andrea Moffatt, David and Leni Moore, Greg Moore, Laetitia Moreau, Marilyn Morem, Eric Morin, John Morrow, Anne-Therese Mracek, Samuel Mukasa, Craig and Patricia Neal, Scott Neal, Nebraskans for Solar, Robert and Carolyn Nechal, Carl Nelson, Ron Nelson, Laura Nereng, Ford and Catherine Nicholson, Dallas Nicolai, Will Nissen and Julia Jackson, Susan Nixon and Walter Lentz, Jean M. Noble, Rich and Raymonde Noer, Kim Norton, Logan O’Grady, Chrissie Walsh, Larry and Carolyn Olson, Jill Olson Genaw, Leigh and Al Onkka, Corey Orehek, Gabe Ormsby, Steve and Shelley Orr, Todd Otis, Suzanne and Douglas Owens-Pike, Nancy Palmer and Michael Hopps, Eric and Dana Pasi, Raj Pawar, Molly Pederson, Brian Plourde, Sally Polk, Elizabeth Porter, Lela Porter, Teddie Potter and Stephen Nesser, Judi Poulson, Shailendra Prasad, Erik & Lynndelle Pratt, Lucinda Pratt, Tammie Ptacek, David Quinby, Vittorio Raimondi, Kristin Rasmussen, Boyd Ratchye, Alan Redding, Christopher and Barbara Reed, Bob Reichert, The Reuther/Tyrell Hope Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, Keith Richard, Greta Rittenhouse, Samuel Rockwell, Winthrop Rockwell and Binky Wood, Gene D. and Judith S. Rose, Stephen Rose, Gregory T. Rotter, Sandy and Jim Rummel, Lynn Russ, Ben Ryba-White, Don Salisbury, Mary E. Savina, Lola Schoenrich and Peter Oppenheim, Jeremy Schreifels, Eric Schroeder, Erica Schumacher, Rebecca and Louis Schwartzkopf, Christopher and Annette Scotti, Chad Selmecki and Nan Madden, Gregg Severson, Darren and Sonja Sharp, Katie Sheldon, Bob Shepard, Don and Renae Shields, Timothy Sielaff, Dylan Sievers, Megan Simon, Deepinder Singh, Bonnie Skelton and Thomas Fraser, Carin Skoog and Ross Anderson, Glenn Skuta, Dana Slade, Brett and Kathy Smith, Sean P. Smith and Ryanne Overom, Adam Sokolski, John Song, James Southwick and Joan Sundquist, Benjamin Stafford, Jim and Mary Stahlmann , Manon King Sternberg and William Sternberg Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Scott Strand, Janet Streff, Joe Strommen, Richard Strong, Peter Sullivan, Mary Nona and Jack Surma, Maria Surma Manka and Joram Manka, Miro Sutton, Barbara E. Swanson, Donald and Wildie Swanson, Linnea and Jon Swenson Tellekson, Stephen Szabo, Kaya Tarhan, Andrew Tate, The C Three Group, The Minneapolis Foundation Nonprofit Appreciation Fund, Jon Theobald, Alan Thometz, Brian Thompson, Warren Thompson and Lisa Kirkland, Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts, Michael T’Kach and Christina Melloh, Mike and Jessica Tobin, Tom Sadowski Photography, William A Toscano Jr, Jessica Tritsch, Michael Troutman and Amy Blumenshine, David Troy, John and Sally Turrittin, Clara Ueland, Eric Utne, Chris Vanecek, Dolores Voorhees, Lance Vrieze, Chris Walsh, John Walthour, Josie and Tim Walton, Billy Watts, Dan Wattson & Mercedes Gutierrez, Stu Webb and Martha Roberts, Jered Weber, William George Weber, Christine Weeks, Sue and Joe Weisenburger, Bill and Cathy Weller, Greg and Erin Wenz, Richard and Sandra Westby, Paul White, Heidi Wong, David and Lori Wormald, WSB & Associates, Howard Zechmeister, Ian Ziese

Up to $99
Richard and Sharon Aadalen, Karen R. Achberger, Emily Achler, Bernard Ackley, Mary Adair, Danny Aerts, Sandy Ahlstrom, Jan Alswager, Alice Altman, Carla Anderson, Donna Anderson, Donna Anderson, Anonymous (19), Bruce and Kathy Ause, Cheryl Avenel-Navara, Leo Babeu and Pat Schmieder, Ani Backa, Gene and Lois Bakko, Maria and Christopher Barry, Bob and Betty Beach, Peter Berglund, Jeff Bertch, Glen Besa, Ellen Biales, Erik Bigelow, August Bleske, George Boody and Ann Risch, Sandra Boone, Brian Bowen, Benjamin Bratrud, Cindy Brausen, John Briel, Mary Broeker, Charlotte Brooker, Dale Brose, Glendon Brown, Stephen C Brown, Larry D Bucklin, Mike Bull, Christine Burda, Mark Carlton, Brett Cease, Certusoft, Michele Chalice, Gabe Chan, Clarence Chaplin, Laurie Chasteen, Susan Cheney and David Arbeit, Chicago Biofuels, Guy and Penny Cierzan, Laura Cina, Daniel Clarkin, Julie Close, Gregory Collins and Kim Kleinschmidt, David Corbin, Chandra Coughlin, John Courtney, Kyle Crocker, Daniel Cross, Sue A. Cross, Fran Crotty, Bill Cutler, Sara D., John Deering, Mary Deering, Demarais Family, Dr. Shanda Demorest, Scott Dibble, Dan and Cahrene Dimick, The Donovan Family, Therese Dorau, Fred Dulles and Cathy Jordan, Trudy Dunham, George Dunn and Donna Harris, Laura Duscher, Amanda Dutcher, John Dyer, Julia Eagles, Claudia Egelhoff, Chelse Ehni, Mark Eilers, Holly Einess, R. Neal Elliott III, Tom Esch, Jon Evans, Dan and Jane Fark, Jeff and Rhonda Farran, Kent Farrington, Jim Fasching, Brian Feltovich, Scott Firman, Dave Fisk, Joe Foss and Lien Tran, Ron Fraboni, Courtney Freng, Anthony Fryer, Bruno Gad and Marty Meyer-Gad, Gerry G., Laurie and Scott Gauer, Scott and Sheri Gedlinske, Dan George, Lee George, Chris German, Kristi and Thomas Gibson, Julie and Jim Gilkinson, Allen and Andrea Gleckner, Elizabeth Glidden and Eric Pusey, Ray Goebel, Sandra Goodyear, Louise Gorenflo, Journey Gosselin, Mary Lou Grahek, John and Janet Green, Arnemann Grender, Marilea Griggs, Sharon Grimes, Matt Grimley, Heidi Grinde, Mike Gude, Gaye Guyton, Melissa Driscoll and Jay Hambidge, Nancy M. Hanson, Richard Harkrader, Margaret Hasse and David Grothe, Matthew Hassler, Cynthia Hatfield, Harold and Jeanette Hawkanson, Florence and Carter Hedeen, Kevin Hein, Brian and Mary Heinis, Russell A. Heitman, Tom and Mary Heller, Matthew and Shelly Hendricks, Sivert O Hendrickson, Amelia Hennes, Mary Hennies, Russ Henry, Hank and Marjorie Heystek, Matt Hill, Matt Hoiland, Virginia Homme, Elizabeth Horst, Brad Howard, Ken Howell, Jan Hubbard, Karen Hulstrand, Sandy and Steven Hunt, Illinois Renewable Energy Association, Ken Iosso and Deb Mackay, Laura Irwin-Schack, Kevin Iungerman, Susan Jacobsen, Stan and Janet Jacobson, Mayank Jain, Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew & Emily Jarrett Hughes, Melina Jerve, Clifford and Betty Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Micah Johnson, Sherry Johnson, Phyllis Kahn, Barbara Kaufman, John Kaul, Loni Kemp, Michael Kemper, Debbie Kereluk, Phyllis and Don Kerr, Kathleen Mary Kiemen, John King and Ruth Wingeier, Wendy Klager, Roger and Kim Klisch-Baudoin, Robert and Kathleen Klukas, David Knoblauch and Suzie Woodrich, T.E. Koehler, David Koehser and Nancy Dunnigan, Harriet and Daniel Kohen, Georganne Kramer, Amelia Kroeger, Nicholas Krueger, Amanda Kueper and Ricky Traut, Laurie Kundrat, Jeanne Landkamer, Lee Ann Landstrom, Brad Larson and Jennifer Johnson, Gary Douglas Laurent, League of Women Voters of Park Rapids, Tracy Leavenworth, Adina Lebowitz, Greg Lee, Stephen Legatt, Joshua Lemoine, Duane Lengsfeld and Evelyn Kaiser, Peter and Pam Leschak, Annie Levenson-Falk, Margaret Levin, Steve Lindaas, Mark Lindquist and Kristi Schlangen Lindquist, Dian Lopez, Katy Lowery, Matt Luong, Tony and Gail Lusvardi, Ward Lutz, Leslie MacKenzie and Peter Foster, Will MacPhail, Tim and Dianne Madsen, Gary Malinowski, Thomas and Sandra Mallon, Lisa Maloney-Vinz, Carol Manthey, Karin and Larry Margolis, Lynne and Howard Markus, Nicholas Martin, Dennis Mashuga and Carol Atchley-Mashuga, Carol and Kenneth Masters, George Mathews and Niki Danou, Lotti Matkovits, Paul McHugh, Annette McMichael, Mary Louise Menikheim, Zdenek Mestenhauser and Julie Nester, Steven Miles and Joline Gitis, Christopher Miller, Ann C. Miller-Bowers, Jan Mitchell, Paul and Karine Moe, Ah-li Monahan, Bob and Mary Moncur, Emily Moore, Judith Moore, Peter Moore, Jack Mooty, Eileen Moran, Paul Moss, Larry Muelken and Renee Kaiser-Muelken, Alice Mueller, Philipp Muessig, Diane Mundt, Brian and Julia Frost Nerbonne, Greg Nolan, Art Norton and Karen Noyce, Lori Olinger, Christopher Olmanson, Terry Olsen, Lee Olson and David Boyce, Patricia A. Olson, Philip Olson, Rebekah Ormsby, Chris Orthey, Lily Osborne, Brandon Owens, Marion Padilla, Joseph F. Palen, Tanya Paslawski, Ben and Hailey Passer, Brian PaStarr, JoAnn and Eric Pasternack, Ken and Siobhann Paulman, Herb Pearlman, Roger Peck, James Pehta, Bret Pence and Laura Delaney-Pence, Lois Petersen, Diane J. Peterson, Gene and June Peterson, Brian Peterson-Delacueva, Paul Zorn and Janet Petri, Doug and Deb Pierce, Barbara Pilling and Daniel Carlson, Pdon Pinkham, Dorothy Piranian, Todd and Sheila Plageman, Andy and Cheryl Polzin, Leigh Pomeroy, Kate Poole and Ken Pearson, Kevin Porter, Noelyn and Truman Porter, Bob Post, Pat and Greg Pratt, Katie Randklev, Sue and Greg Rasmussen, Tom Reed, Mary Rehwaldt, Lance Reschke, Mark Riegel and Amy Delbecq, Jeff Riley, Cliona Robb, Angie Robinson, Jo Anne Rohricht, Nicole Rom, Robert Rosenbrook, Robert Rossi, Marvin Rothfusz, Christina Nichols and Dianne Russell, Carole E. Rust, Allen J. Sames, Tracy Samilton, Lee Sather, Judith M. Sausen, Mick Sawinski, John Scacco, Nancy Schave, Jim Scheidt and Peggy Larson, Amy Scheller, Grace Schley and Karen Driessen, Jennifer Schmitt, Kay Lara Schoenwetter, Paul Schollmeier and Chris Meyer, Sue and Kevin Schreurs, Joe Schwartzberg, Jan Scofield, Kathleen and David Sekhon, Scott Semroc, Patrick Shea, Blake Sherman, Robert Sherman, Mark Shults, Carol Sievers, Jeff Sievers, Thomas Simchak, Dave Sims, Charles Slocum, Marc Sloot, Julie Smendzuik-O’Brien, Jeff Smith, Ryan Smith, Philip Spensley, Springbrook Nature Center, Heather Stafford, Olga Staneslow, Jeanne Schleh and Robert Stanich, Ed Starr and Ruth Ann Starr, September Steinolfson, DeeAnn Stenlund, Michael Sullivan, Peter Swenson and Pam Jewson, Linda S. Taylor, Michael and Alyson Thalhimer, Melvin and Sharon Thelen, Jillian Theuer, Sheryl Theuninck, Priscilla J. Thomas, Jerome Tiller, Kathy Tingelstad, Carla Tollefsrud, Lyndon Torstenson, David Tracy, Ronnette K. Trulson, Marian and Mike Tuomala, Rodney Turnquist, Andrew Twite, Thomas Valois, Richard and Carolyn Vandendolder, David and Lynn Vander Haar, Heidi VanGenderen, Barb and Doug Veit, Devon Vojtech, Michelle and Dwayne Vosejpka, Becca Voss, T. Walhof, Liz Walton, Kerry Wang, Clif and Bettye Ware, Beth Waterhouse and Don Maronde, Becky Watson, Andrew Wattenhofer, John Weber, Judith Weir, Joel Weisberg and Janet Watchman, John Wenzel, Betty Wheeler, Darlene and Thomas White, Mark and Brenda Wiger, Alexis and Brandon Williams, Robert and Hiroko Williams, Shawn Willy, Thomas C. Wilson, Winona Renewable Energy, LLC, Mike and Lisa Wojcik, Tom Wrede, Peter and Peggy Yackel, Joshua Yank, Jackie and Steven Zimmerman, Joel Zook

In Honor
Ross and Jennifer Abbey in honor of Jon Abbey

Deepak and Pamela Advani, Randy and Bird Anderson, Anonymous (2), Larry Bemm, Sue Bergstrom, HR Connection, Guy and Penny Cierzan, Bruce Crawford, Sara D., John Deering, Demarais Family, Kent Farrington, Brian Feltovich, Alison Forney-Gorman, Gerry G., Nicholas and Sarah Garbis, Dan George, Dan Gold and Alexis Broome, Neil Hodges, Mayank Jain, Patricia Kaye, Debbie Kereluk, Joshua Lemoine, Kathy Martin, Sean McCauley, Mike and Fran McCloskey, Chris O’Brien, Gabe Ormsby, Rebekah Ormsby, Chris Orthey, Brandon Owens, Tom Sadowksi, John Scacco, John Song, Stacy and Michael Sullivan, Becca Voss, Chris Walsh, Heidi Wong, and David and Lori Wormald in honor of Nick Garbis’ Day Across MN Ride

Barbara Allan in honor of Donna W. Allan and Bill Mahlum

Randy and Bird Anderson, Janet and Mike Brown, Beverly Jones Heydinger, and Duane Ninneman and Maureen Laughlin in honor of Fresh Energy staff

Anonymous, Chelse Ehni, and Peter Moore in honor of Jeff Broberg

Anonymous in honor of Federico Rossi

Kathleen and Steven Chesney in honor of Angela Chesney

Rob and Liza Davis in honor of Emi and Jasper Davis

Annie Fedorowicz in honor of Ben Rabe

Margaret Finlayson in honor of Adaline Shinkle

Joe Foss and Lien Tran in honor of Eddy Foss

Matt Grimley in honor of Raffi Tashjian

Ross Hammond in honor of Monique Hammond

Florence and Carter Hedeen and Phillip Peterson in honor of J. Drake Hamilton

Stewart Herman in honor of Marc Sloot

Linda Herman in honor of Sean Morrissey

Matt Hill in honor of Matt Privratsky

Erick and Natalie Jacobson-Dunlop and Jeff Smith in honor of John Dunlop

Jeremy Kalin and Lisa Maloney-Vinz in honor of Raj Rajan

Tam Kemabonta in honor of Kehinde Kemabonta

Cindy Larson O’Neil and Tom O’Neil in honor of Colin and Liam

Keith Schwartzwald and Susan Marvin and Harvard Business School Owner President Management Program XI in honor of Chuck and Candice Nadler

Anonymous, Glenn Miller and Jocelyn Hale, Geoffrey Nadler and Catherine Manalo, and Harry and Belle Yaffe Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation in honor of Chuck Nadler

John Morrow in honor of my son Flynn

Michael and Patsy Noble in honor of Meggie LaValley

Kim Norton in honor of Zoe Norton

Corey Orehek in honor of Sophie and Declan

Lela Porter in honor of Gigi and Ian Gleckner

Jeff Riegle in honor of all veterans who died guarding fuel convoys

Don Shelby in honor of Ashley Shelby, Lacy Shelby, and Delta Larkey

Charles Slocum in honor of Gene Merriam

Marc Sloot in honor of my children

Jim and Mary Stahlmann in honor of Gary Schokmiller

Wendy and John Strachota in honor of Teresa Morrow

Miro Sutton in honor of my children

Michael and Alyson Thalhimer in honor of our daughter Rose and her future

John Walthour in honor of Nick Garbis

Melina Weir and Charlie Henrikson in honor of William Weir

In Memory
Anonymous in memory of Steven Hoffman

Jacque Bieber in memory of James Mossman

Kathleen and Steven Chesney in memory of Aaron Chesney

Ken and Carol Engelhart in memory of Bernice and Eugene Engelhart, Fay Matter, and Hilbert and Vera Feldmann

Dr. Mary Harlow in memory of John Baird

John Kearney in memory of Mary Davidov and Floyd Red Crow Westerman

David Knoblauch and Suzie Woodrich in memory of Connie Myhre

Erik Korpela in memory of dinosaurs

Steve Lader in memory of Bea Lader

Madeleine and Philip Lowry in memory of Barbara Benn

Morrow-Pippin Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation in memory of Thomas Declan Morrow

Teresa M. Morrow and Dale Pippin in memory of Tom and Margaret Morrow

Caryl Nelson in memory of C. David Nelson (2)

Lela Porter in memory of Harriet and Don Porter

Nancy Schave in memory of Jerald Schave

Grants and Contracts
Anonymous, Argosy Foundation, Audubon Minnesota, F.R. Bigelow Foundation, Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Fund, Bush Foundation, Carolyn Foundation, Center for Energy and Environment, C. S. Mott Foundation, Ecology Center, Elevate Energy, Energy Foundation, George Gund Foundation, Great Plains Institute, Great River Energy, Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation, Joyce Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, Minnesota Department of Commerce, Minnesota Native Landscapes, Minnesota Power, National Audubon Society, Inc., New Venture Fund, Olseth Family Foundation, Park Foundation, Prairie Restorations, Inc., Rockefeller Family Foundation, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, SoCore Energy, The Saint Paul Foundation, Tides Foundation, Wind on the Wires, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation