Note: This thank you letter and all signatures were delivered to Attorney General Ellison on August 27, 2020.
Dear Keith,
I’m writing today to thank you for your continued commitment to civil rights and the public interest – and I speak with the voices of all of those who signed this letter with me when I say that we’re overjoyed to see your ongoing dedication to these issues and environmental justice as Minnesota’s Attorney General.
When you served in the Minnesota legislature from 2003-2007, your extensive background in civil rights and public interest law truly benefitted all Minnesotans. In 2003, you quickly emerged as a leading advocate at the legislature for people’s environmental justice. I was proud to stand alongside you before many Minnesota crowds, jointly advocating for eliminating mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. Your support for these issues was based on your resounding command of the law and science, and ability to communicate the many benefits for Minnesotans’ health. Ultimately, you ended up calling on Xcel Energy to close its coal-burning Riverside Generating Plant in Northeast Minneapolis. At that time in 2003, the plant emitted more toxic air pollution than any other facility in Hennepin County – and family homes were located only yards away! Family after family spoke up at public meetings about the soot that often fell on their homes and vehicles, as well as the detrimental impacts the poor air quality was having on their kids with asthma. With these powerful testimonies, you called publicly for Xcel to retire coal burning at Riverside and were successful in 2006 when the coal plant began to close. The result: life threatening mercury emissions, particulates, and sulfur dioxide were reduced by 100 percent!
In that same year, the Mercury Emissions Reduction Act you championed was passed into law by the Minnesota Legislature. It required Minnesota’s largest coal-fired power plants to cut mercury emissions by 90 percent by 2015 – this legislation exceeded the Federal government’s requirement of 70 percent reduction by 2018. This landmark legislation for Minnesota earned the support of public utilities as well as support from the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.
Thank you for your longstanding and successful fights for community health and environmental justice, in the legislature, and in 12 years in Congress.
In 2020, the stakes for Minnesotans are exceedingly high as we struggle to stop climate change caused in part by deceptive corporate polluters. Families are already paying higher utility bills and greater insurance premiums because of climate damage and now we expect taxes will need go up as well to pay for Minnesota improvements needed to roads, schools, and bridges due to climate change.
On behalf of these Minnesotans joining me in signing this letter to you, thank you for standing up our state by filing a consumer protection lawsuit against ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute. We’re proud that you and your office are acting for climate accountability and fairness for Minnesotans by suing for financial support for the climate damages already costly for Minnesotans and the state.
Thank you for your leading role in Minnesota’s mitigation of climate change damages and great costs!

J. Drake Hamilton
Science Policy Director, Fresh Energy
Quinn Swanson, Backus
Thank you for taking this bold step! Much appreciated!!
Mary H. Russell, Stillwater
Anna Johnson, Minneapolis
Caroline Arkesteyn, St. Paul
Emma Hanlin, New Brighton
Thank you so much for standing up against the manipulation and destruction of big polluters! As a young person and educator this gives me hope for the future!
Louis Schwartzkopf, Ph.D., Mankato
It’s about time we hold the oil companies responsible for their deception about climate change, deception that will cause harm to Minnesotans for years to come. Thank you, AG Ellison, for your bold action!
Rachel Belvedere, Edina
Thank you AG Ellison for putting the wellbeing of Minnesotans above polluters and profit!!
Sharon Planer, Annandale
Thank you for holding the fossil fuel companies responsible for their deceptive activities that has brought harm to the climate and health of Minnesotan’s and the world.
Julie Cox, Minneapolis
Jack Munsell, St. Paul
Beth Hynes-Ciernia, Minneapolis
Fight hard and wisely! Let’s prioritize the right to breathe over the right to extract and burn. And in the end, we need to invest directly in locally-driven, full cycle, harm reduction initiatives around the state. Thank you.
Gail Loverud, Ham Lake
I am so thankful that you have taken on these huge polluters, Minnesota deserves the best and that’s you.
Felicity Carroll, Minneapolis
Thank you for taking steps to finally hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for their crisis-inducing misinformation. I’m glad to see you working toward a future where we take responsibility for our planet and protect theses systems we can’t live without.
Jerry Striegel, Saint Paul
There is so much to undo, and so little time to undo it in. This is a fantastic start. Thank you Keith!
Melissa Burrell, Plymouth
Thank you for prioritizing the duty to relay factual information to Minnesotans. You are making a large impact.
Melissa M., Medina
Alix Dvorak, Minneapolis
Climate change is here and impacting Minnesotans now. There is a rapidly closing window of time in which to stave off the worst consequences of climate change. We need to immediately deploy the solutions available from every sector – including the legal system. Thank you for your work on this issue.
Teresa Morrow, Saint Paul
Keep the pressure on Mr Ellison – we are out of time and need to take bold action. Help Mn be a Green Leader!
Megan Gallagher, Rochester
Stan Sattinger, Minneapolis
Thank you for taking this long-overdue action to address criminal corporate behavior.
Penny Cragun, Duluth
Thank you for taking this courageous action.
Alana Howey, Roseville
Vicki Smith, Minneapolis
In a time where we seem to be unable to make any progress on climate issues at the national level, this is so important. I wholeheartedly support this action. I was proud that you were my congressman, and I am proud that you are my Attorney General.
Michele Molstead, Saint Paul
Jami Gaither, Alida
Thank you for restoring hope that Minnesota will stand to protect its citizens… and, in that process, the environment that sustains their lives.
Soren Sorensen, Bemidji
Thank you for bringing this lawsuit addressing the failure of these petroleum companies to warn consumers, when these companies knew of the climate disruption harms that were occurring due to fossil fuel use. It is imperative that they are forced to pay to correct the record, educate the public, and begin to repair harms especially to our forests and wetlands in Northern Minnesota.
Mary Dylkowski, Stacy
Thank you for hearing us.
Michelle Thelen, Minneapolis
Thank You! for taking huge steps to create a just and healthy society on earth for ALL.
Krista Steichen, Minneapolis
I appreciate you for standing up to big corporations.
Richard J Gordon, Minneapolis
Thank you for representing the fight for our future Brother!
Kathy Jones, Wayzata
Thank you for proceeding with this important lawsuit!
Autumn R, Bloomington
Carolyn J Sampson, Ph.D., Minneapolis
It is time to hold corporations accountable for the part they have played and are playing in creating the climate crisis. Thank you for your bold action.
Nikki Nau, Montrose
Thank you for taking this issue seriously and for holding the systems and corporations accountable for degrading the quality of life on our planet.
James Kotz, Rosemount
Kathy Jones, Wayzata
Thank you for proceeding with this important lawsuit!
Jane Sage Cowles, St. Paul
Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Minneapolis
Thank you for taking this on for Minnesota and the country. Let us know how we can help.
Jessi Wyatt, Saint Paul
Keep this momentum going. Keep the inherent intersection of racial justice and climate justice at the forefront of your work, and thank you for actually doing something instead of making hollow promises, and setting an example for others to follow.
Melissa Martensen, North Mankato
Patrick Byron, Winona
Attorney General Ellison your support and movement on this issue is greatly appreciated. Please continue to serve the welfare of all Minnesota citizens. THANK YOU!!
Brittney Bray, Bloomington
Dianne Rowse, Burnsville
As someone who sees the effects of climate change on the natural world on a daily basis, I am very appreciative of your work. Thank you!
Liz Walton, Minneapolis
Thank you!
Dylan Sievers, Saint Paul
RJ Devick, Maple Grove
Thank you for all of your leadership during these difficult times – we are grateful for your commitment to bring about justice to all.
Jerome Comeau, Minneapolis
Ellen Hadley, Anoka
Thank you for hearing the voices of MN teens, the Youth Climate Strikers! They are on the right side of history! My baby grandson thanks you, too!
Alex Kim, St. Paul
Thanks to AG Ellison and everyone else involved in getting this important lawsuit on the books! The public health of everyone is vastly more important than the excessive profits of a few. Hopefully other states will realize this and get on board. Society is starting to change in several important ways and I hope to see climate change related issues come to the forefront of governmental priority lists. This lawsuit is an important step for MN.
Connor McCarthy, Minneapolis
Matt Hoiland, Minneapolis
It’s high time that the fossil fuel industry be held accountable for their decades of lies and negative externalities. Thank you, AG Ellison, for fighting for Minnesota’s and the planet’s future.
Douglas Mensing, Minneapolis
Sarah Lang, Minneapolis
Michael Maleska, Hibbing
Wardlow still disgusts me. Hope you can guide us through the environmental horrorscape ahead. Clean air & water belongs to everyone and is no ones to give or sell.
Frederick Ebinger, Minneapolis
Patricia Schoenecker, Apple Valley
Thank you, AG Ellison, for being such an courageous voice for the people, for standing up for us by filing a consumer protection lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute and being such a faithful “watchdog” and calling out all climate polluters. You truly have Minnesotans best interest at heart.
Carol Ashley, Akeley
From someone affected by pollution, from someone who notices effects of climate change almost daily, and on behalf of those who come after me, THANK-YOU.
Kay Erickson, Lakeville
Go after ’em! Thanks, Keith and staff!
Isaiah Friesen, Stillwater
Kathleen Doran-Norton, Bridgewater Township
You give me hope. It’s time they stop the damage.
Ann and Rex Martin, Stillwater
Thank you for holding polluters responsible and moving us in the direction of clean Air.
Philip Bither, Minneapolis
It is fantastic that you have taken this step! The deception that oil and gas industries have perpetrated on the world for more than 50 years and their constant and continued efforts to derail climate legislation has cause unmeasurable damage It has delayed absolutely urgent, science-based efforts to address this critical issue that is devastating the earth and all of its living things. THANK YOU!
Julie Johnson, New Brighton
Thank you for taking this action!
Julius Salinas, Esko
Thank you for being reasonable and prudent on this issue.
Susan Taylor, Duluth
On behalf of the earth and all living things, thank you ~
Todd Pierson, Minneapolis
Thank you Keith for moving the fight forward.
Roberta Lapp, Duluth
Your comprehensive work for a winnable case is deeply appreciated by me. Profuse thanks.
Janet Magree, Duluth
Warrne Howe, Duluth
Doretta (Dorie) Reisenweber, Duluth
Thank you for moving toward a positive difference for now and the future.
Joseph Cardamone, Plymouth
Toni Morse, Duluth
Hal Moore, Duluth
Thank you to much Keith. May your action begin a tsunami of lawsuits against the corporate criminals.
Colleen Hollinger, Avon
While this resembles Biblical proportions of David’s, we need to pursue Goliath.
Jill Lakhan, Duluth
Thank you for thinking of the world our Grandchildren will inherit.
Joe Underhill, Minneapolis
Ralph Jenson, Minneapolis
Thank you!
Rolf Jacobson, St. Paul
Trudy Dunham, St. Paul
Kathleen Gavin, Minneapolis
Allen Loken, Duluth
Diane Hischer, Hugo
Beth Tamminen, Duluth
This is for all of us, and the whole web of life. Thank you.
Linda L Herron, Duluth
Thank you for being a champion for human and environmental justice.
Brett Cease, Duluth
So proud to see Minnesota leading on this essential front!
Norman W. Herron, Duluth
Thank you for being a stalwart leader of environmental and social justice.
Charles and Diana Moore, Duluth
Kristel Porter, Minneapolis
Thank you so much Mr. Ellison for this! We definitely need this right now! I applaud your leadership on this issue.
Sally Larson, Duluth
Catherine Wright, Duluth
You rock! So grateful to have you working on Mother Nature’s and my behalf.
Bret Pence, Duluth
Julie Morgan, Duluth
Thank you for standing up for Minnesota. For standing up for me.
Janet Petri, Northfield
Thank you! This is good news to hear.
Sandra Goodyear, Scandia
Beth Waterhouse, Edina
Thank you for ALSO keeping this issue in your scope of vision and action.
Bill Middlecamp, Apple Valley
We need your leadership. Thank you.
Bill Elwood, Minneapolis
Thank you for this action on behalf of the environment.
Walter Lentz, Minneapolis
Thank you for fighting against these major corporations who have fouled the environment for many decades.
Susan Nixon, Minneapolis
Mr. Ellison – thank you for taking the side of the populace instead of the corporations. They are NOT people.
Sarah Gleason, St. Paul
Jo Haberman, Duluth
Thank you for moving Minnesota forward through this critically important work, and through all your years of dedicated public service.
Kristin Eggerling, Hallock
Hayden Wenzel, Lino Lakes
Michele Holzwarth, St. Paul
Tiffany Finley, St. Paul
Maureen McCarter, St. Cloud
Thank you for taking action against companies that pollute.
Marcy Crear, Gulfport, FL (formerly Wayzata)
Thank you
Rebecca and Scott Cramer, Minneapolis
Deb and Mark Thurlo, Minnetonka
Leadership! That’s what it’s all about and Keith, you have it. Putting the good and just before the greedy and destructive behaviors of the fossil fuel industry. Thank you!
Mollie Miller, Maplewood
William Schroeer, Northfield
Thank you! Great news in a difficult time.
Raymond Blumel Jr., Land O Lakes, FL (formerly St. Paul, MN)
Your action makes me proud to be a former Minnesotan.
Gabe Ormsby, Minneapolis
Elaine Leach, Lake Shore
David Zumeta, Minneapolis
Rebecca Galkiewicz, Roseville
Alice Hausman, St. Paul
Elizabeth Pohlman, Minneapolis
Thank you for all your good work!
Barbara Knoth, Cannon Falls
Wish success!
Susan Ziesche, Minneapolis
Greg Randle, St. Cloud
Thanks. This a very important issue for me. Keep up the good work.
Lyndon Torstenson, Minneapolis
Drew Johnson, St. Paul
Matthew Hassler, Forest Lake
Thank you for fighting for the climate and the future of the planet!
Stephanie Linde, Bloomington
Bradley B Blue, Big Lake
Thanks for leading and for your care of the important issues regarding energy and our health.
Irene Helland, Minneapolis
Lauren Lindelof, Wayzata
Thank you for your effort in holding businesses accountable.
Sharon Pfeifer, St. Paul
There is a massive amount of climate work to do with inter-related physical infrastructure, social, and economic systems on which we depend. This administration is well poised to help identify the systemic gaps (including laws and policies at all scales) that need to be seriously addressed for Minnesotans to be more resilient to our state’s future changing climatic variables. The health pandemic mantra “We are in this together” applies as well to the global climate crisis. All Minnesotans must participate in diminishing greenhouse gas emissions for all other human and non-human future life.
Greg Erickson, Shoreview
Sean Alexander Keith, Saint Paul
Ann Roach, St. Louis Park
Federico Rossi, Edina
Marc Sloot, Saint Paul
The work you are doing is critical to help ensure the world will be inhabitable for our children. Thank You AG Ellison!
Mike Anders, Alexandria
Thank you! About time for bold action!
Sarah Geffre, Chanhassen
Christine Popowski, Minneapolis
Way to be. We need polluters to pay.
Brad Snyder, Maple Grove
From all Minnesotans, Thanks Keith!! Good luck with taking on these fossil fuel companies!!
Russ Adams, Minneapolis
Shirley Akpelu, St. Paul
Polly Andersen, Wayzata
Thank you for placing high value on clean air and working to protect it for my neighbors and my kids.
Amelia Kroeger, Golden Valley
Just at a time when many sad events have distracted society from remembering that climate change is the most urgent concern facing humankind, MN’s Attorney General revives a sense of hope that action to address our rapidly warming planet will not be neglected. With a grateful heart.
Karen Johnson, Columbia Heights
Daniel Shaw, Minneapolis
Thanks for standing up for the environment and those of us who want to defend it.
Pam McKenna, Robbinsdale
Barbara Boldenow, Plymouth
I am grateful beyond words that you can do this kind of good work. Thank you!
Katherine DuGarm, St. Paul
Judy Gregg, Greenwood
Fight likes our lives depend on it!
Dennis Kaleta, Grand Marais
Thank you for fighting the good environmental fight as you said you would in Grand Marais, 2018.
Larry Margolis, Minnetonka
Thanks for trying to hold polluters responsible for the damage done to the environment.
Carlos Pinelo, Shakopee
Jackie Smolen, Minnetonka
Thank you for putting people and the environment above the polluting fossil fuel industries.
DeeAnn Stenlund, Roseville
Dale R. Lutz, Maplewood
Thank you for holding these deceptive polluters accountable, and for your earlier contributions to the health of Minnesotans and the planet.
Sharon Grimes, Minnetonka
Douglas Mensing, Minneapolis
Thank you for this important step in addressing the climate crisis.
Laura Nereng, Woodbury
Alexis Williams, Minneapolis
Janet Stavros, St. Cloud
I admire your integrity and commitment to protecting the environment. Thank you for all you are doing as Minnesota’s Attorney General.
Don Schuld, Stillwater
Thank you for standing up to such big fish!
Philip Anderson, Maple Grove
Cynthia Askerooth-Olson, Baxter on the Mississippi River!
I’ve walked in parades and door knocked with you Keith, it was a honor! Carry on…..Let’s Soon work on the copper mining industry! Wink! Wink!
Tom Stavros, St. Cloud
It is great to finally see someone taking action against big polluters.
Donald Grant, Grand Marais
Diane Krueger, Saint Paul
Lee Morgan, Annandale
Thank goodness!!!
Ann Manning, Minneapolis
I’m so grateful for our smart, strategic, dedicated Attorney General Keith Ellison. Thank you for standing up to protect all Minnesotans. This lawsuit is so important for future generations.
Scot Adams, Eden Prairie
Bill Schnell, Grand Rapids
Hobie Stocking, St. Paul
It would be great if this wound up like the VW settlement where any payments could go back to renewables and climate justice.
Clarence Chaplin, St. Paul
My thanks to the Attorney General for filing a lawsuit to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the greenhouse gases they are emitting.
Bob McKlveen, Edina
Keep fighting the good fight!
Debra Lach, St. Paul
Thanks for making Minnesota a leader in holding polluters accountable.
Joel Bryan, Woodbury
Carmen Barker Lemay, Minneapolis
Thank you for your leadership on this issue. Climate justice demands we hold all accountable.
Dori Stein, Woodbury
Thank you so much for taking action on such an important issue!
Kristina Smitten, Marine on St. Croix
Phillip Peterson, Minneapolis
Thanks for your leadership in fighting the single biggest health threat to Minnesotans!
Molly McBeath, St. Paul
Thank you for bringing climate and corporate responsibility out of the shadows and being forthright about the consequences of corporate behavior.
Nicholas Moe, Bloomington
Thank you for you efforts to forward the cause of justice for both people and the planet. It feels very good to know that our government can still stand up to the powerful for the sake of all.
Diane Bublitz, St. Cloud
Hopeful that you will be successful as success was finally found for smoking. This is an even more important issue for our health and the health of the planet.
Anne E. Haugan, Roseville
I am delighted to read this news in today’s newspapers.
Jan Hubbard, Brooklyn Park
I’ve been talking to people for a year about suing Exxon Mobil et al. for all the lies, false and misleading advertising they’ve been conducting. They knew very well since the 1950’s what they were doing but ignored the scientific evidence of their own scientists’ reports. I believe the Lanham Act should protect businesses and their consumers from such false and misleading advertising and wrongful disparagement of clean energy, such as wind and solar energy products. The oil industry has collectively, and individually, willfully and wrongfully damaged and actively blocked clean energy businesses from conducting their legitimate enterprises and circumvented the real cost of their harmful and deadly pollution of the whole planet. It will cost people around the world billions, and perhaps even trillions, of dollars to remedy it. I applaud you Mr. Attorney General Ellison for your courage and leadership. Make them pay for all the damages they’ve done!
Sid Farrar, Minneapolis
Michelle, Woodbury
Thank you for doing what’s right!!!
Beth Pearlman, Mendota Heights
This is so important and it is critical that Minnesota gets out in front of punishing polluters and ending climate change.
Colleen Krebs, Minneapolis
After reading the book and seeing the film “Merchants of Doubt,” I have been appalled at the deceptions of tobacco and fossil fuel industries. These are vivid accounts of where the power lies.
Samuel Quackenbush, St. Paul
Keith, thank you for standing up for our future.
Amy Henry, Lakeville
Sam Villella, Blaine
Act on Climate!
Anne Reich, Marine on St. Croix
Audrey Brick, Coon Rapids
I appreciate that you are looking out for me and my family’s environmental welfare!!
Adam Iliff, Sr. Project Manager, Tesla Energy, Saint Paul
Gutsy move Keith and you have my support. I’m happy you filed a consumer lawsuit and let me know how I can help.
Joan and Rick Meierotto, Afton
Clay D. Oglesbee, Northfield
Kay Schoenwetter, Minneapolis
Michael & Connie O’Sullivan, Apple Valley
Thank you for holding these companies accountable for their decades long campaign of disinformation.
Bob Olson, Orono
Donna Anderson, Minnetonka
Your courage and integrity are greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
Ted Gleckner, Minneapolis
Martin Lemke, Elk River
Thank you
Mark Snyder
I’m really proud and glad to see our Attorney General pursuing this action. Thank you, Keith!
Delaney Kohler, New Brighton
Theresa Olsen, Saint Paul
As an architect in education, I appreciate your support of the health of our future leaders. I work to reduce building energy consumption, but the utilities determine the carbon in our electricity. Keep it Clean, Minnesota!
Andrew Wattenhofer, Minneapolis
Katherine Teiken, Inver Grove Heights
Harvey Zuckman, Minneapolis
Thank you for all you do on behalf of Minnesotans and the public good.
Thue Rasmussen, Falcon Heights
Kudos to you, A G Ellison for your just & necessary actions to effect meaningful improvements in addressing the environmental climate crisis.
Joel Weisberg, Northfield
Thanks a lot for standing up for climate.
Leslie Swenson, Bloomington
Thank you for doing this. It is time for big oil companies to stop getting away with murder!
Pamela Kildahl, Minneapolis
Judith Moore, St. Louis Park
Nell Wegmann, Minneapolis
Thank you for putting people before profit and maybe someday we’ll put the planet before people. Without the planet, we cannot survive.
Ken W Brown, Eden Prairie
Thank you for your honesty, integrity and courage.
Joseph Cardamone, Plymouth
Bob Fitzwilliam, Menomanie, WI
Go for it!
Lela Porter, Minneapolis
Ian Keith, St. Paul
Ted Benson, St. Paul
Sam Benson, Minneapolis
Thank you for taking this important step to hold corporate polluters accountable.
Nathan Lind, Minneapolis
Thank you x1000000.
Stewart Herman, Minneapolis
Thank you for holding fossil energy companies responsible for their irresponsible denial of climate change.
Ah-li Monahan, Columbia Heights
I am very grateful for the many steps you’ve taken to protect Minnesotans!
Steve Seidl, Minnetonka
Sarah Peters, St. Paul
Joel Haskard, St. Paul
Thank you for being an awesome Attorney General and stepping up to help in fight for racial justice and climate change (and all the other stuff that crosses your desk). Keep fighting the good fight!
Beverly Erickson, New Hope
Thank you for your courage and dedication to counteract the destruction of our environment.
Judy Broad, Minneapolis
THANK YOU. You seem to always put actionable efforts into your words, and you have LOTS of supporters who truly appreciate your efforts.
John C Pegg, Duluth
I appreciate all you are doing for the environment, and for racial and economic justice!
Jamie Crowson, Saint Paul
Edward Hessler, St. Paul
Laura Brown, Minneapolis
Thanks for setting a standard of accountability.
Drake Bauer, Prior Lake
Kate Wolfe-Jenson, Minneapolis
Thomas Matkovits, Minnetonka
Tom Reed, Minneapolis
Great stuff, don’t let them continue to “externalize” health and climate costs!
Nicolle VanWie, Minneapolis
Thank You Attorney General Ellison! It’s time for these industries to address the problems they’ve caused.
Sarah Farley, Minneapolis
Thank you so much. For my children and all the children.
Jason Willett, Stillwater
Thanks so much you’ve already and are now accomplishing. Perhaps you can help accelerate the closing of the A.S. King (the last coal plant in the metro area) in Oak Park Heights, and help the City and Xcel be financially net neutral for the financial impact of any earlier closure?
Stephanie Avalon, Minneapolis
Christie Manning, Saint Paul
Thank you, AG Ellison, for your bold leadership.
Joe Foss, Fridley
Thank you, Keith Ellison, for your effort to hold fossil fuel companies accountable. These companies have been spreading false information about climate changes and its impacts for years. We need to win this case in order to protect public health, make a transition to clean energy, and prepare for resilience.
Mary McLeod, St. Paul
Finally, a serious act against these companies. It will hurt them on their bottom line, which is probably the only way to get at them. You might also check in with the attorneys who are representing Our Revolution, who sued the government over climate issues, and lost — they may have learned some valuable lessons in the process. I have long supported you and voted for you! Thanks for this.
Scott Ericson, Richfield
Great work Attorney General Ellison!
Betty Tisel, Minneapolis
THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART – I am so very grateful.
Martin and Mary Jo Malecha, New Brighton
Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of Minnesotans!
Rose Thelen, Clearweater
Scott Ericson, Richfield
Great work Attorney General Ellison!
Amy Lange, Minneapolis
Thank you for rightly placing responsibility on oil and energy companies for purposely misleading the public on the threats to health, safety, and life itself their industry causes. Thank you for placing BIPOC voices at the center of your press conference, acknowledging the specific harms that extractive industries have cause BIPOC communities. You are the right person to serve as the people’s attorney. THANK YOU!!!
Ruth Rensink, Eden Prairie
Kay Kessel, Richfield
I co chaired 10 forums for Healthy Legacy Coalition and it was League of Women Voters and many others. We had a Climate Change Forum led by J. Drake Hamilton at Mayflower Church.
Jane Newman, Minneapolis
Thank you for your courageous and bold leadership. This is a powerful step for justice, equity and public health.
David Wallinga, Saint Paul
Thanks, Keith. As a physician, I appreciate your leadership around climate change, one of the world’s most pressing public health issues.
Melina Weir, Minneapolis
Florence Hedeen, Park Rapids
Our efforts to reduce the impact of climate change must take a view to the seventh generation as guides the Native American community! Thanks for supporting that view!
Miriam Goldfein, Excelsior
Heidi Hoy, Mound
THANK YOU for DOING SOMETHING to defend us from these greedy, homicidal criminals! Go get them! 👏👏👏
Felicity Britton, Minneapolis
Thank you Keith!
Tom Anderson, North Branch
Kudos for demonstrating a necessary boldness in demanding accountability. Proud to be from Minnesota!
Dee Long, Minnetonka
Thank you so much for your actions!
Tom Hatlestad, Plymouth
Dana Jackson, Stillwater
Leigh Onkka, Minneapolis
Georganne Krause, Duluth
Dana Slade, Burnsville
Leigh Pomeroy, Mankato
Peggy Kvam, Eden Prairie
Jothsna, Woodbury
Thank you for your consistent leadership in a time when that feels lacking in other leaders.
Kevin Lawless, Edina
Keith, you’ve taken on so many critical issues and now this one. Many thanks for all you do for all Minnesotans.
Rob Davis, Minneapolis
Thank you!
Michele Fluhr Fraser, St. Paul
Mark Nissen, Minneapolis
Janis Hansen, Becker
Thank you for taking action to uphold truth and disseminating misinformation.
Debbie Nelson, Lakeville
Wow! I wasn’t expecting anything. Thank you. Thank you.
Rev. Sarah Campbell, Minneapolis
Thank you Attorney General Ellison. You gave me such hope when I watched the press conference! The many ways you are feeding the state, country, world hope in these times is profound. It spreads…
There is a rising hope that we will pivot to a Green New Deal out of this pandemic crisis. From a recent sermon: Someone said, about these times: “Every crisis opens a course to the unknown. In an eye-blink the impossible becomes possible. History in a sprint can mean a dark lasting turn for the worse, or a new day of enlightened public policy. Be still my heart, but I see the later. Some of the greatest advances in American history were birthed by disaster.” (Timothy Egan) The Pandemic has revealed how quickly things can change, if they must. And the pandemic has revealed our human propensity for denial, startling us with the truths of what scientists have been warning, re: pandemics and climate change…
“It could go either way”, experts are quoted as saying in a newspaper article entitled: “Will the coronavirus kill the oil industry and help save the climate?” Might this pandemic be the crisis that turns it all upside down and inside out and start it moving in the right direction; the shock to the system that forces a pivot of historic, even mythic proportions? Again from this article: “A key question is whether this crisis will permanently alter the course of the climate crisis. Many experts think it might well do so, pulling forward the date at which demand for oil and gas peaks, never to recover, and allowing the atmosphere to gradually heal. And that 2019 will go down in history as the peak year for carbon emissions.” Jeffrie Currie, head of commodities at Goldman Sachs, said that this time is likely “to permanently alter the energy industry and it’s geopolitics and shift the debate around climate change.”
Even before the pandemic things were shifting… Investors were already pressuring the fossil fuel industry, with concerns about ventures with high levels of climate risks and with renewables becoming far more economical. And now we are seeing, in real time a striking decline in several types of air pollution across the world… and it is forecasted that the pandemic will drive down global greenhouse gas emissions by 6 percent this year, the biggest yearly decline in planet-warming carbon dioxide since the Second World War.
There’s no going back to the way it was….
John Dunlop, Minneapolis
After fighting climate change for over forty years, I appreciate you pointing the finger at the culprits who have been providing extremely damaging disinformation about climate change. I hope those who have been deluded about those false messages in the past will join us in calling for en even more rapid movement to a cost-effective clean energy economy.
Jerry Cleveland, Spring Valley
Do what’s best for the most. Do what’s right.
Pierre Girard, Golden Valley
Sarah Jannusch, Minneapolis
Lisa Boyd, Minneapolis
Lane Ayres, Edina
Thanks Keith for, in the midst of a pandemic and the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, finding time to focus on climate change and bringing your lawsuit against some of the perpetrators.
Nancy Palmer, Baxter
Sachiko Graber, Minneapolis
Ruth Lindh, Minneapolis
It is time to hold these people and the entities they hide behind accountable for the damage they have done.
Gary Schettl, Jordan
Thanks for defending the only Earth we’ve got!
Justin Fay, Minneapolis
I’m so proud that you are holding big oil accountable on our behalf. Keep up the great work AG Ellison!
Rachael Sarto, Minneapolis
David Winkelman, Brainerd
Dave Berner, Bloomington
Anjali Bains, St. Paul
Your courage and decisive leadership is a tremendous asset to Minnesota. Thank you for standing up and making the right decisions for Minnesota.
Joanna Coyle, Stillwater
Debby Evans, Mendota Heights
Peggy Knapp, Minneapolis
Sir, I am stunned in the best way at your integrity, and the courage you show in filing this suit. Your action is absolutely the right thing to do. Thank you.
Teddie Potter, Saint Paul
Thank you for working on behalf of the health of all Minnesotans now and for generations to come.
Paul Morin, St Paul
Long time in coming. You have my full support.
Laurie Jacobi, Minneapolis
Clayton Dumcum, Stillwater
I have watched with interest as other states have sued fossil fuel companies for misleading the public. I am proud to live in a state that has joined the press for accountability.
Becky Erdahl, Minneapolis
Thank you for being a leader on this.
Rosemary Rhode, Eagan
Appreciate your actions.
Stuart D Henry, Minneapolis
Thank you Attorney General Ellison! I was so proud to have you as my Congressional Representative. I am now even prouder to have you as my Attorney General. This is a truly momentous, historical suit.
Barbara Liukkonen, Two Harbors
Thank you for hard work for Minnesotans – on so many fronts.
Michael Menzel, Edina
It may seem like David vs Goliath but I have every expectation that the State of Minnesota will prevail. Thank you Fresh Energy for leading the charge.
Elizabeth Tomlinson, Minneapolis
Existing climate change already requires infrastructure modifications. While adaptive designs have a 4:1 payback in loss avoidance, climate adaptations need to be funded to protect our communities. Thank you, AG Ellison, for your ethical leadership!
Stacy Miller, Eagan
Donna Allan, Saint Paul
Eric Dayton, Minneapolis
Mary J Woollen, Minneapolis
Jessica Tritsch, Saint Paul
Brenna Doheny, Hinckley
Thank you for your commitment to fighting for a better future!
Nicole Rom, Minneapolis
Thank you for standing up to climate polluters and taking critical action for climate justice!
Thomas Kottke, Saint Paul
Many thanks.
David Thornton, Minneapolis
Hannah Texler, Saint Paul
Anne Smith, Eagan
Thank you for your leadership in sustainability and human health!
Kay Kessel, Richfield
I have co chaired 10 healthy legacy forums, co chairing with Emily Moore.
Kathryn Iverson, Edina
Honorable Attorney General Ellison, My gratitude is deep, for the lawsuit that you are bringing to address the deceptive practices of the fossil fuel industry. It is incredibly important that we find ways to bring back the environmental health of Minnesota and its citizens. Personally, I will tell you that our grandson has had no incidence of asthma during the Covid lockdown, due to the huge improvement in air quality. It was dramatic! He is still doing well. This story, no doubt matches the story of many other youngsters in our state. Your leadership is truly admirable. All the best to you!
Steven Jorissen, PhD, Vadnais Heights
Thank you AG Ellison for standing up for Minnesotans.
Douglas D Pierce, Minneapolis
Thank you so much for being a courageous leader and taking this action for Minnesota, and the world. It is desperately needed. A huge applause is warranted.
Tom Thies, Eden Prairie
Thank you for moving Minnesota forward in a positive manner concerning clean air and water.
Aimee Witteman, Minneapolis
Ellen Palmer, Minneapolis
Thank you for your leadership on this issue. It is so plain to see they are at fault. I’m glad to see the suit is being raised.
Larry Wechsler, Saint Paul
Eric Pasi, Golden Valley
Adam Talajkowski, Minneapolis
Patrick Hamilton, Saint Paul
It will cost Minnesota billions of dollars to do its part to mitigate climate change and to adapt to those changes that are already underway and intensifying. Falsehoods perpetrated by the defendants in this case have cost us all dearly by thwarting action on climate change for decades.
Daniel Rudolph, Gilbert
Thank you for continuing the good fight and standing for veracity in our state. This is not the end, but only the carrying pursuit of Minnesota’s forward progress in the nation. Acting in the middle of the Pandemic, Police Reform, and Climate crisis demonstrates yours and our cornerstone as our great state. Please use this to continue to fight for the things that really effect everyone in our state and not just what is popular. We need a system change rather than an individual change, but it can’t get done without people like you and I together. Thank you Keith Ellison and his team.
Kate Hanson, Roseville
Gail Daneker, Saint Paul
Kate Knuth, Minneapolis
Thank you! Minnesotans now and for years to come will benefit from this action.
Paul Harding, Saint Paul
Dave Roach, Brooklyn Park
Ellen Anderson, Saint Paul
Thank you for your leadership to protect our public health, our future and climate justice.
Michael Menzel, Edina
It may seem like David vs Goliath but I have every expectation that the State of Minnesota will prevail. Thank you Fresh Energy for leading the charge.
John Kearney, Minneapolis
Mike Bull, Northfield Township
Thank you for taking this action on behalf of all Minnesotans alive today, as well as future generations!
Jim Johnson, Eagan
Mark Ahlstrom, Saint Paul
Tanya Gajewska, Minneapolis
Holding big oil accountable! This is leadership from AG Ellison.
Ben Passer, Saint Paul
Thank you for holding polluters accountable and fighting for a better future for us all!
Michael Noble, Saint Paul
Ana Kaveh, Saint Paul
Matt Gladue, Minneapolis
Bold action like this is what it’s going to take! Thank you!
Jukka Kukkonen, Saint Paul
Karen Covington, Saint Paul
Thanks for standing up for our state!
Kate Wolford, Minneapolis
Benjamin Fribley, Minneapolis
Joanna Olson, Minneapolis
Thank you for taking action on the part of all Minnesotans!