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Janiece plays a key role that is working to advance equitable outcomes across Minnesota’s energy system. Her current projects include collaborative work with environmental justice groups to improve air quality and access to renewable energy, and working internally on Fresh Energy’s commitments to anti-racism through cultural change to center racial justice and social equity in all of Fresh Energy’s clean energy policies and organizational priorities.
Janiece joined the Fresh Energy team in August 2018. Before joining Fresh Energy, Janiece worked as a community engagement manager for Eureka Recycling where she developed strategies on zero waste and environmental justice. She is an established racial and environmental justice organizer working in the Twin Cities for over ten years. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Environmental Science, Policy and Management from the University of Minnesota. Janiece has served on the boards of Headwaters Foundation for Justice and MN350, and currently serves on the City of St. Paul’s Climate Justice Advisory Board, as well as a member of the environmental grantmaking committee of the Mortenson Family Foundation. She loves food — from growing it in her garden to cooking and food cooking shows — and is a lifelong St. Paul resident where she lives with her hubby, two children, and two cats.