Justin Fay

Chief Advocacy Officer
Justin Fay Fresh Energy Headshot

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Posts by Justin

Justin Fay coordinates strategic advocacy across Fresh Energy, including state and local policy advocacy, coalition partnerships, and strategic initiatives. Working closely with our content experts Justin shapes and advances Fresh Energy’s overall strategy for achieving Fresh Energy’s mission to equitably decarbonize our economy. Justin is also a member of the Executive Leadership Team helping to steer the organization’s strategy and budget.

He actively engages with decision-makers, partners, and coalitions to advance progress, aiming for ambitious, inclusive policies that move Minnesota toward an equitable carbon-neutral economy. He works to ensure that Fresh Energy’s policy and technical expertise is consistently available to key leaders in Minnesota and strongly values our fact-based, professional approach to solving complex public problems.

Prior to joining Fresh Energy in 2018, Justin was the Senior Chapter Representative at the Sierra Club North Star Chapter for nine years. He was the Field Director for the campaign to pass the 2008 Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment, and has held a variety of legislative and policy roles, including with the Nature Conservancy and the Campaign for Conservation. Justin obtained a Master of Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. He also completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota in Morris. Justin enjoys traveling, catching baseball games, and when at home, getting bossed around by his family’s two cats.