Anjali Bains

Managing Director, Transportation
Anjali Bains

651 726 7579



Posts by Anjali

Anjali joined Fresh Energy in November 2019 after spending five years in the solar industry, where she worked on project development and finance for distributed utility-scale solar and witnessed how federal and local policies shape market deployment. These experiences bolster her commitment to pragmatic and equitable clean energy policy. Anjali got her start at Fresh Energy advocating for electric transportation as part of the Clean Cars Minnesota campaign, before stepping in to lead the Energy Access and Equity team in late 2021. In 2024, she transitioned back to leading Fresh Energy’s transportation work as Managing Director, bringing with her a clear commitment to build a healthy, affordable, and clean transportation system in Minnesota.

Anjali currently serves as Board Secretary for HOURCAR, a local carsharing nonprofit. She is also a Clean Energy Leadership Institute fellow and graduated from Columbia University with a B.S. in Earth and Environmental Engineering. An avid concertgoer, you can find her at a number of local venues around town or exploring near and far-flung places on foot or by transit.