Fresh Energy and partners across the country are accelerating momentum into 2019, advocating for pollinator-friendly habitat in solar siting opportunities throughout the United States. Below are major recent developments and notable news.
Yale Center for Business and the Environment publishes “Mobilizing Finance for Land Conservation and the Energy-Land-Agriculture Nexus” report to answer the question “Can ecosystem services valuation bring additional value streams to Minnesota’s pollinator-friendly solar industry?” with support from Rob Davis, director of the Center for Pollinators in Energy.
Clean Energy Finance Forum publishes three-part series on the potential of pollinator-friendly solar development in Minnesota and beyond.
Fresh Energy recently gathered with friends and colleagues at 56 Brewing to honor and celebrate an Emmy® Award for “Pollinator-Friendly Solar,” a consumer feature television segment on Prairie Sportsman, one of Granite Falls-based Pioneer PBS’ flagship local programs.
Fresh Energy teams up with ULTA and IT Cosmetics to help save the bees via a unique collaboration on a make-up beauty brush set.
Nature Sustainability publishes a peer-reviewed journal article, co-authored by Director of the Center for Pollinators in Energy, Rob Davis, on the strategic engineering of solar energy technologies—from individual rooftop modules to large solar energy power plants—and their synergistic outcomes across industrial and ecological boundaries.
American Beekeeping Federation publishes a journal article on the rapid growth of ground-mounted solar as an opportunity to establish hundreds of millions of pollinator-friendly plants.
Organic Valley highlights the critical intersection between people, our planet, and pollinators.
National Geographic, Organic Valley, and Perdue Farms commit to standards-based pollinator-friendly solar arrays
Electric cooperatives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Texas, Kansas, Iowa, and North Dakota built and seeded pollinator-friendly solar arrays
Electric Power Research Institute, the nonprofit with members that generate approximately 90 percent of the electric utility revenue in the United States, launched a Power-in-Pollinators Initiative in a two-day event in Washington, D.C.
Modern Farmer, Martha Stewart, and National Geographic magazines highlight the opportunity for beekeepers to support solar and benefit from healthy foraging sites for their hives
Solar Power World puts pollinator-friendly solar on the cover and SunShot features honey from solar arrays in its booth at the nation’s largest solar tradeshow
Monarch Joint Venture leader reflects on how solar sites can help save the monarch
Sustainability leaders of VERGE and GreenBiz make the business case for pollinator-friendly solar sites