In Minnesota we are excellent at so many things: making a great hotdish, looking out for our neighbors, and leading the nation in voter turnout. This year will be no different if we make a plan to vote and ensure our friends and family do the same.
Voting starts today! You can vote now through Election Day on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
We at Fresh Energy encourage everyone who can vote to engage in the democratic process. We know that when every voice is heard, Minnesota can best reflect the values we hold.
Fresh Energy is a 501c3 nonprofit, meaning that the organization cannot and does not endorse or oppose candidates running for office. However, that doesn’t mean that we cannot engage in meaningful ways, like public education or supporting ballot measures, to ensure that political and governmental structures are upheld for the good of our society — and we are committed to doing our part.
In Minnesota, voting starts September 20 and runs through November 5. You can vote before Election Day at early voting locations, in–person, or by mail. You can find out what is on your ballot here! There are numerous elected official, judicial positions, and ballot initiatives, so we encourage you to take a look at your whole ballot before voting. You can also vote at your polling location on Election Day. You can find official information on voting procedures and process at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office.
Learn more about:
- Voter registration
- Voter registration in Minnesota can be done in advance online or at your polling place on Election Day. If you have not done so already, register in advance to save time on Election Day for the November General Election!
- Voting early by mail
- Voting early in-person
- How to vote in-person on Election Day
Voting is a powerful way to ensure that your values and priorities are reflected in the decisions that shape our communities. When we vote, we hold our government accountable to the needs and desires of the people, ensuring that policies align with what we believe in and want for our future. Your voice at the ballot box is essential for driving the changes that matter most to you.
Casting your vote is crucial, but your engagement in the legislative process can go much further than the ballot box. Join Fresh Energy’s Action Network to continue to use your voice in the legislative process. Over the last year, Fresh Energy’s Action Network has made an impact by helping our supporters talk to their elected officials, express their values at the Public Utility Commission, make sure their neighbors have plan to vote, and have a little fun too! Sign up to get real time opportunities to progress climate and energy policies at all levels of government.
Since the last General Election, Minnesota has achieved an impressive series of climate policy victories: Minnesota’s passed its landmark 100% clean electricity law, required the commercial energy code to reduce emissions by 80% and the residential energy code by 70%, passed stronger regulatory protections for communities against pollution, phased out inefficient and dangerous light bulbs, passed a Buy Clean Buy Fair law to reduce emissions in infrastructure projects, established a green bank, and cut red tape to make it easier to build clean energy in Minnesota, to name just a few. These significant climate wins were made possible only because climate-conscious voters showed up at the polls and supported candidates committed to bold climate action.
Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to continue this momentum by voting to ensure that climate policy remains a priority.
Make a plan to vote on or by Tuesday, November 5, 2024 for the Minnesota General Election this year, and continue to use your voice for climate, clean energy, and justice.