Xcel Energy is currently developing a time-of-use pricing pilot program, and Fresh Energy will be actively involved in working with Xcel, policymakers, and other stakeholders to optimize the design of the pilot.
Charging up the Midwest
Fresh Energy and a team of partners have launched Charge Up Midwest, a campaign to speed the transition to electric vehicles and reduce carbon emissions from transportation across the region.
Pollinator-friendly solar: everybody loves it
Minnesota’s pollinator-friendly solar standard has generated interest in states throughout the country and Fresh Energy played a key role helping the state of Maryland secure a similar policy.
Opportunity for energy savings kept intact by Xcel Energy rate case
This week, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission unanimously ruled in favor of energy efficiency in Xcel Energy’s rate case by keeping the monthly customer charge flat moving forward. Fresh Energy partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy to intervene as Clean Energy Organizations in the case.
Envisioning an all-electric economy
For 25 years, Fresh Energy has been working to transition to a clean energy system in the state. Increasingly we see that an “all-electric economy” may just be the answer.
Global Warming 101
Our warming world: here and now.