Welcome to the Center for Pollinators in Energy, a national clearinghouse and catalyzer of pollinator-friendly solar information, standards, best practices, and state-based initiatives.
Bees, monarchs, and other critical pollinators are disappearing, and scientists agree that loss of habitat is a primary concern. Because the United States solar industry first took off in the desert Southwest, a standard practice for the land on solar sites is gravel and/or monocrop lawn grass.
That changed in 2016 when Fresh Energy, Audubon Minnesota, and the Minnesota Corn Growers worked with agricultural and business leaders to establish the nation’s first statewide standard for vegetation on solar sites.
Highlighted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Interior’s National Conservation Training Center, Fresh Energy has become a nationally-recognized source of expert knowledge on solar sites planted with deep-rooted native flowers and grasses that capture and filter storm water, build topsoil, and provide abundant and healthy food for bees and other insects that provide critical services to our food and agricultural systems.
Sample Ordinance and Procurement Language

Asking for pollinator-friendly solar—whether at the procurement/RFP stage or in local ordinances—is a reliable way to maximize benefits and ensure solar projects are built and managed in line with expectations. Learn more.
Pollinator-Friendly Solar Scorecards

States across the country are establishing standards that set fair, flexible, and science-based standards for what constitutes “beneficial to pollinators” in the managed landscape of a solar farm. Many states have adopted their own Pollinator-Friendly Solar Scorecards. View them here.
Best Practices and Training

Want to know the best practices for implementing a solar farm apiary? Are you looking for specific language around pollinator-friendly solar siting requirements? Take a look at our growing list of best practices, webinars, and other learning opportunities. Learn more.

We’re accelerating momentum across the nation, advocating for pollinator-friendly habitat in solar siting opportunities throughout the United States. Learn more.
Pollinator-Friendly Photo Gallery

Take a look at our photo gallery of high-quality pollinator-friendly photos. These photos and more are available for use with permission and photo credit. Learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about pollinator-friendly solar? We’ve got answers! Learn more.