Thank you to our generous donors for partnering with Fresh Energy to make our work possible. Below, we recognize those who contributed to Fresh Energy’s work between February 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024.
Fresh Future League
Anonymous (4), Janet and Mike Brown, William Dow, John and Susan Dunlop, Marc Hugunin and Alice Pepin, Amy S. Lange, Dick and Joyce McFarland, Mike Menzel and Kathy Iverson, Stacy Miller, Teresa Morrow and Dale Pippin, Gary and Claire Nelson, Michael and Patsy Noble
$10,000 or more
An Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Anonymous (4), Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, Conley Family Foundation, Cornelia and Eric Dayton, EcoTrust, Great River Energy, Greater Manhattan Community Foundation – Butler Community Fund, Mark and Kate Hanson, Karen Hudson and Harley Gee, Diane and William Krueger, Sarah F. Lang Fund at the St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation, Mike Menzel and Kathy Iverson, Pamela Moret and Mark Moret, New Energy Equity, Parable Wealth Partners, Rahr Corporation, Rockefeller Family Fund, Federico and Nassim Rossi, Ruth A. & Raymond A. Reister Charitable Trust, Matt and Jennifer Samuel, Serendipitous Leverage Fund, Venkatesh Srinivas, Cassidy and Andrew Steiner, The John Larsen Foundation, The Minneapolis Foundation, Kate Wolford and Ed Reilly
$5,000 – $9,999
Philip and Kathy Adam, Donna W. Allan and Bill Mahlum, Randy and Bird Anderson, Anonymous (3), Anonymous, Lane Ayres and Marion McNurlen, Ted and Karen Contag, Christine and Loren Danielson, Davies-Sommer Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Eric and Benita Dieperink, Gary and Ammie Gronert, Hayden Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, The Van Steenburgh/Ladner Family Fund, The Egan Lawless Family Fund, Amy Lemieux, Cotty Lowry and Laurie Jacobi, The Wong McKhann Family Fund, Jan and Rick Neville, Mark and Mary Jo Nissen, Paul White, Medora Woods, Atomic Data, Aufmuth Family Foundation, Ecolab, Leuthold Family Foundation, Minnesota Power, SMSC Gaming Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, The Crosswols Foundation, The David Winton Bell Foundation, Xcel Energy
$2,000 – $4,999
Anonymous (2), John Berns, Matthew Bertolatus, Carolyn Brue and Patrick Collins, Terrance Brueck, Merritt Clapp-Smith and Craig Smith, Josh and Tisha Colton, Mike and Sharon Conley, Claire Dawson, John and Susan Dunlop, Alan and Lollie Eidsness, Christopher and Joan Ennis, Rebecca Erdahl, Nicholas Garbis, John and Mary Garcia, Lynn Glesne, Sarah and Richard Hardy, Michelle and Dave Horan, Erin Imon Gavin & Paul Imon Pedtke, Ralph Bruce Jacobson, Bill and Nancy Jones, Alice Lesney, The Lilja Family Foundation, John C. Lillehei, MD, Holley Horrell and Craig McDonnell, Mindful Asset Planning, Lucy and Bob Mitchell-The Longview Foundation, Mortenson Family Foundation, Trent Mostaert, David Norton, Chris O’Brien and Jane Alexander, Dick and Judy Ottman, Helen Paul and Steve Arnold, Lela Porter and Steve Lader, Leonardoand Erin Rapallini, Debra L Rappaport Fund for Shleymut (Wholeness), Kristen Rasmussen, Peter & Anne Reich, Amber Rudell, Rich and Liz Schiferl, Corbett Shelton, James Southwick and Joan Sundquist, McIvor Steiner, Wendy and John Strachota, Taylor Family Charitable Fund, The Tuttle Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation, Ann and Karl Vohs, W. Second Growth Foundation, Nancy Ward, Best Buy, Carleton College, Connexus Energy, Daikin Applied Matching Gifts, Ever-Green Energy / District Energy, George and P Ann Fisher Foundation, Google Matching Gifts, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Rasmussen-Northeast Bank Foundation, The Lader-Porter Charitable Fund, US Bank
$1,000 – $1,999
Tom Anderson and Nancy Conger, Carol Andrews, Anonymous, Nancy Johnson and Paul Anton, Arc Initiatives, Courtney E Barancin, Ted Barnhill and Kelly Barnhill, Nicholas Bender, Laura Bishop, Kerrie Blevins and Mike Walstrom, Blueline Environmental Advisors, Bremer Bank, Jeff and Erica Broberg, Linda Bruemmer, Brenda Cassellius, Steve and Christine Clemens, CliftonLarsonAllen, Bob & Diane Coderre, Amy Crawford and Alice Johnson, David and Kitty Crosby, Culp Family Foundation, Sandra Denman, RJ and Teresa Devick Charitable Fund, Donor Advised Fund of Thrivent Charitable and Impact Investing, Larry and Deedee Edlund, Alison Forney, Fredrikson, Mark Ginsbach, Andy Goke and Liz Denshee Goke, Grid Catalyst, Carolyn Ham, Bryce Hamilton, Roberta Rott and Larry Hanke, Ibrahim Hanouneh, Dr. Mary Harlow, Shawn Hartfeldt, Hedeen Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust, Susan and David Hellstrom, Leah Hiniker, John Jacobi, Jacqueline Johnson, Sarah Johnson Phillips, Kathleen Jones, Steven Jorissen, Keystone Compensation Group LLC, Peter Kirwin, Harriet and Daniel Kohen, Joel and Faith Krogstad, Larry M. Lark, Jeff and Amy Anne Lassig, Lenfestey Family Foundation, David Leppik and Jordan Wood, Philip and Madeleine Lowry, Marcus and Regina Magnuson, James Manolis and Emily Green, Sean McCauley and Joselyn Raymundo, Medtronic Matching Gifts, Clay Montgomery, Marilyn Morem, George Muellner, Jane Newman, Lentz/Nixon Blue Sky Charitable Giving Fund, Jed Norgaarden, Jim and Leigh Olmstead, Julia Olmstead, John Orrison and Lydia McAnerney, Otter Tail Power Company, Melissa Partin and Brian Martinson, Karyn & Steve Paulman, Beth Pearlman and Garry George, Roger Peck and Jamie Hubbard, Phil and Karin Peterson, Steve Polasky, Joyce Prudden and Michael Shoop, Raj V Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram, Jeffrey Rank and Elizabeth Andrews, Melissa Rappaport Schifman and James Schifman, Todd Reubold and Veronika Torarp, Debra Rodahl, Pouyan and Nedda Salehi, The Schmidt Family Fund, Gary and Mary Ann Schokmiller, Karen and David Scott, Tim and Denise Seck, Doug Shoemaker and Pat Schoenecker, Kevin and Sarah Shriver, Nikki Sorum and Simon Foster, St. Luke Presbyterian Church – Environmental Focus Group, Strategen Consulting Inc, Bob Striker, Tom Strobel, Karen and Les Suzukamo, Swen Products, Inc/dba Sven-Saw, Linnea and Jon Swenson Tellekson, Taft, The Longview Foundation, Louis and Barb Turner, Peter and Kimberly Walsh, John and Ellen Walthour, Susan White, Eleanor and Fred Winston – The Longview Foundation, Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A., Carol Witte and Winston Cavert, Mary Woollen and Clark Heindl, Dan and Tana Yarano

Fresh Sustainer’s give a scheduled monthly, quarterly, or annual gift to Fresh Energy, providing a dependable source of support to speed the transition to a clean energy economy.
Amelia Kroeger, Angela Robinson, Anjali Bains, Anonymous (3), Benjamin Miller, Bob and Mary Moncur, Bob and Nancy Hassett, Brad Larson and Jennifer Johnson, Brian PaStarr, Bruce Anderson, Celestar Solar, Charlie and Julane Hautman, Cheryl Persigehl and Jonathan Flak, Chistopher Leger, Christine Gleckner, David Rudolph, Douglas Owens-Pike, Drew and Megan Davis, EcoLab Foundation, Ellen Palmer & Scott Alsleben, Eric and Lisa Berglund, Eric and Maria Bavier, Gary Schettl, Gregg Severson, Gunnar Groesbeck, Ian MacDonald, James Barott, Jason Astleford, Jason Willett, Jean and Arnold London, Jessi and Forest Eidbo, John and Barbara Krenn, John and Susan Dunlop, John Dyer, John Kearney, Julie Bach, Karen and David Scott, Karen R. Achberger, Katie Fournier, Ken Paulman, Ken Pearson and Kate Poole, Kent Fritz-Smead and Annick Fritz-Smead, Kris Larson, Kyle R. Crocker, Lannell Farmer, Laurel Gamm and Charles Stephens, Leslie Glustrom, Linda Ogren, Lucinda Johnson and Mr. Randall Hicks, Maria Surma Manka and Joram Manka, Mark and Mary Jo Nissen, Mark Snyder, Mason Morfit, Medora Woods, Nancy Andrews, Nils Gokemeijer, Nolan Rains, Pdon Pinkham, Rachel Walker, Ralph and Mary Brindle, Ray Stetkiewicz, Richard Condon, Richard Parenteau, Robert Secor, Steve and Shelley Orr, Steven Jorissen, Susan R Hedin, Tim and Denise Seck, Tom Strobel, Tyler Slind, Venkatesh Srinivas, Brady Steigauf, Briana Kerber, Daniel Barry, David Marvosh, Dennis L. Thompson, Dick and Sharon Aadalen, Don and Jean Dahlstrom, Donald F. Hanson, Drew Turro, Ian Palmer, James Loewen, Karl Craine, Kevin Borgia, Lela Porter and Steve Lader, Louellen N. Essex, PhD, Maren Friesen, Martha Larson, Mary E. Gard, Matthew and Kirsten Anderson, Neal Lesmeister, No Carbon Fuel Inc (501c3), Roger Ballentine, Sally Burgess, Sandy Ahlstrom, State Senator Mike Barrett, Stephen C. Brown, Tanya Paslawski, The Ebinger Family, William and Marlene Haider
$500 – $999
An Anonymous Giving Account at Fidelity Charitable, Anonymous (3), Louis Asher and Lisa Wersal, Peter H. Bachman and Janet Rice Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Roger Ballentine, James Barott, Eric and Maria Bavier, Sheila Bayle, Douglas Mensing and Ashley Beasley, The Doug and Lisa Bechtold Family Fund, Arthur Berman, Kathleen Gavin and Philip Bither, Craig and Stephanie Bowron, Christopher Brooks, Melissa M. Brown, Greg and Lisa Buck Charitable Fund, Jerry Cleveland, James Colbert and Barbara Bly Colbert, Esther Connor, Page and Jay Cowles, Stewart and Lesley Crosby, Joe Dammel, Charles Dayton and Sara Evans, Kathy and Gary Denault, Stephen Metruck and Peggy Duxbury, EcoLab Foundation, Bill Elwood and Betsy Allis, Matt Krush and Elizabeth Fallon, Justin Fay, Marta Fraboni and Mike Navarre, Polly Frankel and Don Frankel, Phyllis Goff, Peter Gove, Edward Gralla and Randye Schwartz, Julie Bunn and Marlon Gunderson, Becky Haven, Hawn Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Tim Hebrink, Jeff and Lucy Heegaard, Alan and Judy Hoffman, Dan and Sara Holmdahl, Karen Holley Horrell, Paul R. Iversen, John and Thelma James, Dan Juhl, Amy Melcher and Chris Kantzes, Will and Claudia Kaul, Sheila Kennedy, John & Anita Kes, Kristin Kelly and Jamal Knight, David Knoblauch and Suzie Woodrich, Kelsey Kornaus, John and Barbara Krenn, Jukka and Susie Kukkonen, Peter Laird, Meggie LaValley and Joe Lofgren, Jenny and Rob LeFevere, Erik Lindseth and Kristin Benson, Aaron and Erika Link, Robert and Marilyn Mackie, Colin McCambridge, Sheila and Rich Miller, Jeffrey Moore and Charlotte Moore, Teresa Morrow and Dale Pippin, Caryl Nelson, Robert Nevitt and Donna Portner, Jo Olson and Benjamin Fribley, Parkera, Ann Marie Possis Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Quirsfeld Campbell Family Foundation, Dave Reichert, James DeMay and Channing Riggs, Katherine and Robert Rogers, Salesforce, Don Salisbury, Kate Schreck, MD and Ross Schreck, Robert Secor, Chad Selmecki and Nan Madden, James and Jane Shinners, Tyler Slind, Nell and Chris Smith, Mark Spurr, Charlotte Stephens, Richard Swenson, Third Level Design, Jessica Tritsch, Michael Troutman and Amy Blumenshine, Steve Wilson and Mary Shedd, Mark and Carolyn Wolski, Lynelle Wood, Paul Wu, Xcel Energy Foundation, Ian Ziese
$250 – $499
Paul Thompson and Mindy Ahler, Dan Anderson, Nancy Andrews, Anonymous (3), Pamela Arnold, Auer Steel & Heating Supply Co., State Senator Mike Barrett, Daniel Barry, Anonymous, Brent Bergland, Rolf and Lisa Bjornson, Ginny and Rick Black, LuAnn Brown and Andy Brown, Anna Chernakova, The Cherne-Hendrick Family, Sarah and Whitney Clark, Kennedy and Bronwyn Cole, Rosemary Coleman & Davis Fox, Brian Coyle, Katie and Carl Crosby Lehmann, Jeff Curtes and Mrs. Jessica Curtes, Drew and Megan Davis, Mary Des Roches, Devine Family Giving Fund, Adrienne Diercks, Matthew Doherty, Steven Dondlinger and Terry Dondlinger, Randy and Paula Doroff Charitable Fund, David Dudycha and Dorle Vawter, Clayton Dumcum, Heather Edelson and Brett Edelson, Holly Einess, R. Neal Elliott III and Karen Elliot, Tom Esch, The Estee Lauder Companies Matching Gifts, Don Ferber, Mari Forbush, Foresight Associates, Kent Fritz-Smead and Annick Fritz-Smead, Laurel Gamm and Charles Stephens, Allen and Andrea Gleckner, Daniel Gorman, Don and Gerry Grant, Mercedes Gutierrez & Dan Wattson, H.B. Fuller, John Hall, Bree Halverson, Patrick and J. Drake Hamilton, Susan Hammel, John Heer and Jody Copp, Nancy Read Hendricks, Paul and Mary Hoff, Kathy Hollander and Rodney Johnson, Dale and Alana Howey, Sam Hsu, Scarlett Hubbard, Monica Ingram, Larry and Jane Jacobson, Barbara Lundblad and Nicole Johnson, Ron Johnson, Slade Kemmet and Katie Harrington, Peter Kendall, Robert Kriel and Linda Krach, Ron Kroese and Kimberly Colburn, Peggy and Bruce Kvam, Karen and Glenn Larson, Channon Lemon, Peter and Pam Leschak, Lynn and Steve Lewis, Line Break Media, Leslie Lofgren, John and Mary Ann Lundquist, Ian MacDonald, Bonnie Marshall, Charles McDonnell and Glenda McDonnell, Robert McKlveen and Ellen Jones, Tom and Aggie Meium, Amy Melcher and Chris Kantzes, Micron Technology Matching Gifts, Benjamin Miller, Stacy Miller, Marie Cantino and Peter Millman, Darcy Miner, Lee Mitau and Karin Birkeland, Bob and Mary Moncur, Mike and Barb Morehead, Mason Morfit, Thomas Mueller, Ramez Naam, Polly and Ron Nesset, Alan Norton and Kathleen Doran-Norton, Sandra Nussbaum and Mr. Peter Nussbaum, Cheryl Olseth and James Empson, Leigh and Al Onkka, Bharat Parekh, Dave and Joan Pasiuk, Eva Pesch, Emilie Petersen, Noelyn and Truman Porter, Teddie Potter and Stephen Nesser, Riv-Ellen Prell and Steven Foldes, Matt Privratsky, Paul Alexandre Renauld, Isabel Ricker and Peter LaFontaine, Mark Ritchie, Paul Ricker and Liz Robinson, Pauline Rohrman, Sandy and Jim Rummel, Allen J. Sames, Carl Samuelson, Timothy Samuelson, Dick Sarafolean, Lola Schoenrich and Peter Oppenheim, Marcee Harris Schwartz and Jon Schwartz Philanthropic Fund, Gregg Severson, Robert Shepard, Todd Shipman, Kimberlee Sinclair, Sara Skinner and Javier de Ana, Christine and Todd Smalley, Ashley Soukup, Nancy Spangrud, Catherine and Michael Spengler, Russ Stark, Jay & Shelley Strohmaier Charitable Fund, Joe Strommen, Paula Stumne, Andrew R Tate, Kaimay and Joseph Terry M.D., The Colo Fund, The Right Hand Fund, Thrivent Action Teams, Thrivent Choice, Jerome Tiller, Mike and Jessica Tobin, Brian Trask, John and Sally Turrittin, U.S. Bank Foundation, UnitedHealth Group Matching Gifts, Rajan Vatassery, Tammy Walhof, Natalie Warren and John Synhavsky, Andrew Wattenhofer, William Weber, Paul & Janelle Wegner, Judith Weir, Joanna and Jon Wentz, Dick and Sandra Westby, Margot Wickman-Bennett, Jason Willett, Joseph Windler, Nate Winkelman and Dr. Deborah Annette Bryant, Katy and Dave Wortel, Leslie Yoder, Ziring-Bakken Household
$100 – $249
Andriana Abariotes, Patty Acomb, Cino Adelson, Glenna Alevizos, Raymond Alfini, Carl Allen, Anita Anderson, Bruce Anderson, Cindy Angerhofer, Anonymous (13), Lynn Arnsdorf, Rodney Baakkonen, Julie Bach, Cheq Bay Renewables, Erika Bailey-Johnson, Anjali Bains, Frederick Bartol, Jim Bartol, Jenae Batt, Marcia and Michael Baudino, Becketwood Cooperative, Jim and Marsha Benshoof, Martin and Sheila Berger, Eric and Lisa Berglund, Bill Berneking, Ellen Biales, Monsherra Blank, Kevin Borgia, Eugene Borscheid, Rob Bouta, Jim and Ruth Bowyer, Ralph and Mary Brindle, Tom and Mary Florence Brink, Tom Brinkman, Joanne Broady, Char Brooker, Therese Buckley, Clark Bullard and Irene Bullard, Sally Burgess, Joseph and Carol Burke, Beau Bye, Cecilia Calvo, Serena Campas, Carba, Inc, Jane Cerhan, Alison Cerier, Mark V. Chapin, Kathleen and Steven Chesney, Chowgirls Catering, Christov Churchward, Jennie Claver, Chris Cohen, Richard Condon, Tyler Cook, Karl Craine, Bruce Crawford, Kyle R. Crocker, Fran Crotty, Leigh Currie, Natalie Heer and Jeremy Cushman, Marjorie Dahlager, Will Wlizlo and Sage Dahlen, Don and Jean Dahlstrom, Darcy Solutions, Heather Douglas, Amy and Justin Dritz, Cari Dwyer, John Dyer, Julia Eagles and Abby Finis, The Ebinger Family, Louise A Eidsmoe, Kirk and Sheila Enzenauer, Eric Erb, Dorren and Roger Erny, Elizabeth Erstad-Hicks, Louellen N. Essex, PhD, Virginia Evans, Leslie Everett, Lannell Farmer, Chris Farrell, Scott Ferguson, Charlotte Flowers, Dean A. Flugstad, Eric Forsberg and Ms. Gloria Peck, Katie Fournier, Dena Frank, Karen Froistad, Stephen and Monica Frytak, Ari and Susan Fuad, Katie Galloway, Marilyn Gehrman, General Mills Matching Gifts, Christine Gleckner, Elizabeth Glidden, Luke Gliddon, Leslie Glustrom, Troy Goodnough, Kendra Grand, Joel Green and Rani Halpern, Michele Guala, Bob Gubrud, Todd and Mary Guerrero, Kanad Gupta, William and Marlene Haider, Peggy Hall and Lee Barry, Jessica Hampton, Karen and Ken Hannah, Virginia Hanson, Paul Harle, Cassie Harrington, Elise Harrington, Matthew Harris, Shubha Harris, Jim Hart and Maureen Reed, Bob and Nancy Hassett, Ryan Hassett, Dan Haugen, Charlie and Julane Hautman, Kim W. Havey, Susan R Hedin, Bryan Herrmann, Don Hickman and Sandra Kaplan, Kathryn Hoffman, Brian Holmes, Ken Howell, Patrick Huelman, Sandy and Steve Hunt, David Hunter, Tom Irvine, Dana L Jackson, Podaly and Des Jay, Anna Johnson and Jules Gavin Bither, Cassi Johnson, Gary and Susan Johnson, Lucinda Johnson and Mr. Randall Hicks, Joanne Jones-Rizzi, Cathy Jordan and Fred Dulles, Frank M Jossi, Ariel Kagan, Michael and Theresa Karels, Steve Karr, Kauffman Lustgarden Family Fund, Schwab Charitable, John Kearney, Scott Keely, Gregg Kelley, Catherine Kemp, Briana Kerber, Phyllis and Don Kerr, Anita Kerssen, Jae Kim, Anne Kimber, Robert and Kathleen Klukas, Nathan Knoll, Larry and Cynthia Koehler, Peggy Korsmo-Kennon, Karissa Kostka, Thomas Erling Kottke, Larry Kraft, Ed and Anne Krawczyk, Matius L Krisetya, Amelia Kroeger, Michael LaFontaine, Colles and John Larkin, Brad Larson and Jennifer Johnson, Kris Larson, Merwyn and Joyce Larson, Ross and Bridget Levin, Sara Lynn Newberger and Barbie Levine, Mark Lindquist and Kristi Schlangen Lindquist, Local Climate Solutions, Jean and Arnold London, Jamie Long, Stu Lourey, Liz Lucente, Mike and Marta Maddy, Tim and Dianne Madsen, Erik Malinowski, Thomas and Sandra Mallon, Jim Marchetti, Nicholas Martin, John and Connie Marty, Dennis Mashuga and Carol Atchley-Mashuga, Gregg Mast, William Mattessich, Hugh Maynard and Faith Woodman, Mike & Fran McCloskey, Maureen McKenzie, Diana McKeown, Diane Meier and Reed Wahlberg, Zdenek Mestenhauser, Ana Sophia Mifsud, Minneapolis Area Realtors, Jan Mitchell, Paul and Karine Moe, David Moline, John Morrow, Martin Morud, Laura and Philipp Muessig, Ann Mulholland, Gwen and Mason Myers, Robert and Carolyn Nechal, Bruce D Nelson, Laura Nereng, Bob Nesheim, Richard and Joan Newmark, Jim Nichols, Duane Ninneman and Maureen Laughlin, No Carbon Fuel Inc (501c3), Richard and Raymonde Noer, Rolf Nordstrom, Mary Lynn and Clay Oglesbee, Linda Ogren, Debbie Okerlund, Richard Okeson, Muriel S. Olson, Gabe Ormsby, Rebekah Ruth Ormsby, Steve and Shelley Orr, Todd Otis, Michael Overend and Lucy Grina, Douglas Owens-Pike, Marion Padilla, Ellen Palmer & Scott Alsleben, Nancy Palmer and Michael Hopps, Kevin and Dawn Pape, MB Parker, Audrey C Partridge, Tanya Paslawski, Brian PaStarr, JoAnn and Eric Pasternack, Barb Patterson, Ken Paulman, Ken Pearson and Kate Poole, Cheryl Persigehl and Jonathan Flak, Kent Peterson, Katherine Petrey, Katie Piehl, Doug and Deb Pierce, Todd Pierson, Plymouth Congregational Church, Andy and Cheryl Polzin, Leigh Pomeroy, Tom Porter, Cindy Pratt, Apostle Junius Pressey, Jacqueline Prince, Kelly Puspoki, Benjamin Quam, Susan Ranney, Joseph Reardon, Bob Reichert, Joy Rikala, Carolyn Roby, Fred Rose, Gregory T. Rotter, RPSi, Robert and Lynn Rudell, David Rudolph, Phoebe Ruona, Caleb Ryerson, Paul Sand and Devona Wells, Tim Sandry and Ellen Wersan, Mary E. Savina, Elizabeth Schmiesing, Mary Ann Schoenberger, Rolf & Renata Scholtz, William Schroeer and Ms. Katie Schroeer, Rebecca and Louis Schwartzkopf, Steve Seidl, Darren and Sonja Sharp, Don Shelby, Sisukas Consulting, LLC, Julie Smendzuik-O’Brien, Mark Snyder, Rachel Speck and Lee Wallace, Art Spooner, Beth Squires, Grey Staples, Cassandra M. Stillman, Jeff and Leanne Stremcha, Kevin Stroom, Maria Surma Manka and Joram Manka, Charles Sutton, Tanko Family Giving Fund, The Dayton Foundation, The Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Sheryl Theuninck, Dennis L. Thompson, Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts, Britta Torkelson and Andrew Wilson, Chuck Tryon, Amber Vadnais, Michelle Van Engen, John Vaughn, Marilyn Vialle, Rachel Walker, Liz Walton, The Wangerin Family, Clif and Bettye Ware, Beth Waterhouse, William Weber, Thomas Weisbecker and Julie Weisbecker, Jason and Sarah Weller, James Wilkinson, Jeff and Cathy Winter, Sara and Doug Wolff, Peter and Timna Wyckoff, Sue and Pete Wyckoff, Ann Wynia, Charlotte Zelle, Susan Ziesche
UP TO $99
Dick and Sharon Aadalen, Karen R. Achberger, Mary Adair, Sandy Ahlstrom, Donna Anderson, Ellen Anderson, Matthew and Kirsten Anderson, Sigurd and Shannon Anderson, Anonymous (53), Richard Arey, Wendy Armitage, Jason Astleford, Bruce and Kathy Ause, Paul Austin, Cheryl Avenel-Navara, Grid Catalyst, Micah Bach Kinder, Chris Baker, Paul Bakken, Harvey Bartz and Janet Bartz, Sally Bauer and Matthew Bauer, Elizabeth Beck, Eric Berger, Peter Berglund, August Bleske, Brad and Julie Blue, Kyle Bodkins, George Boody and Ann Risch, Brian Brandt, Jonee Kulman Brigham, Annika & John Brindel, Janet and Mike Brown, Stephen C. Brown, Carolyn Brzezinski, Kate Buckley, Chris Burda, Maria Campanaro, Lori and Ross Campbell, Capstone Community Action, Lee and Ann Carlson, Steven Cassellius, Amy and Greg Caucutt, Brett Cease, Celestar Solar, Amelia Cerling Hennes, Christopher Cerny, Hugh and Lori Cherne, Gregory Chester, Nicholas Chichila, Daniel Clarkin, Natalie Cleland, Virginia Coller, Gregory Collins and Kim Kleinschmidt, Timothy Conners, Chris Conry, Nan Corliss, Rebecca and Scott Cramer, Jillian Crandall, Diann Crane and John Malotky, Creating Healthier Communities, Heather Cusick, Gail Daneker, Alexandra David, Rob and Liza Davis, Andrew Deubel, John DeYoe, Elihu Dietz, Pearl Dobbins, Martha Jane Dobratz, Bridget Dockter, William C. Dorsett, William Dow, Anita S. Duckor, Jennifer Love and Chris Duffrin, Rosemary Dulac, Georgia Duncan, George Dunn and Donna Harris, Dirk Durant, Linda W. Durril, Nash Edgerton Hall, Brian Edstrom, Jessi and Forest Eidbo, Juliana Elchert & Dan Hollenhorst, Ken and Carol Engelhart, Jonathan and Kristin Engman, Arline Epstein, Beverly Erickson, Greg Erickson, Daniel and Jane Fark, Mark Farris, Craige Farwick, Jim Fasching, Ryan Fedie, Cyndee Fields, Ron Fraboni, Amy Gilbert and Worth Frank, Amy Fredregill, Barbara Freese, Jonathan Fribley, Maren Friesen, Annie Fulton, Mark Gamm, Mary E. Gard, Laurie and Scott Gauer, Julie and Jim Gilkinson, Terry Gips, Ray E. Goebel, Nils Gokemeijer, Rick Duncan and Beth Goodpaster, Sandra Goodyear, Rachel Hefte and Sean Gosiewski, Peter Gotseff, Frank Grazzini, Margie and Dorian Grilley, Sharon Grimes, Gunnar Groesbeck, Melissa Driscoll and Jay Hambidge, Donald F. Hanson, Jesse Okie and Mary Harrington, Jothsna Harris, Harold and Jeanette Hawkanson, Tom Hayes, Brian and Mary Heinis, Jennifer Hengelfelt, Tyler Henkemeyer, Mary Hennies, The Linda and Stewart Herman Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, Matt Hill, Sarah Hinde, Mark Addicks and Tom Hoch, Tim Holder, Colleen Hollinger Petters, Thomas and Vicki Holm, Martha Holton Dimick and Jim Dimick, Carol Hooker, Jenny Hoops, Abby Hornberger, Kristi Papenfuss and Joshua Houdek, Joan Hughes, Philip Hult, Johanna Hunt, John Hurd, Adam and Zahra Iliff, Laura Irwin-Schack, Deborah Jacobs, Stan and Janet Jacobson, Mitra Jalali, Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew & Emily Jarrett Hughes, Karen Jeffords-Brown, Linda Jensen, Clifford and Betty Johnson, Wade Johnson, Patricia Johnson Keller, Zane Jones, Jeremy Kalin and Hope Frisch Kalin, Larry Kane, Dan Katzenberger, William Katzin, Barbara Kaufman, Peter Keller, Dan and Patty Kelly, Kathleen M. Kiemen, Paul Kile, Dan King and Dr. Anna Henderson, John King and Ruth Wingeier, Brynn Kirsling, Wendy Klager, David Kleppe, Stuart and Mary Ellen Knappmiller, Knoth Family, Kate and Sam Knuth, Kimball Knutson, Mary Kowalski, Georganne Kramer, Lawrence Krantz and Diane Pittman, Kathryn Krawczyk and Brian Smist, Nick & Donna Krueger, Liz Lachowitzer, Lee Ann Landstrom, Eric Larson and Geeta Dash, Martha Larson, Richard Larson, Amber Lee, Chistopher Leger, Brad and Karee Lehrman, Laurie Leitch and Bill Gorcica, Sophia Lenarz-Coy, Neal Lesmeister, Annie Levenson-Falk, Margaret Levin, David Levy, Steve Lindaas, Albert Lindeke, Steve Lindow, Dan Lipschultz, Judy Sonsalla-Lissick and Greg Lissick, Paul Ljung, James Loewen, Mike Lotte, Gail Loverud, Katy Lowery, Russell Lowes, Jessica Lynn, Julie Marckel, Larry Margolis, Lynne and Howard Markus, Melissa Martensen, Eduardo Martinez, David Marvosh, Elizabeth Hatfield and Jesse Mattila, Don McAdam, Cindy McComas, Amy McGarness, Tam McGehee, Jennifer McMillin, Joan McNeil, Adele Mehta, Rick and Joan Meierotto, Jack Meinzenbach, Steve Merino, Jessie Merriam, Gregory and Kristen Meyer, Microsoft Matching Gifts, Microsoft Rewards, Dustin Miller, Craig Bublitz and Martha Minchak, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Ah-li Monahan, Gordon Moore, Laetitia Moreau, Paul Moss and Craig Miller, Larry Muelken and Renee Kaiser-Muelken, Libby Mura, Glenn H. Murphy, Christy and Gordon Myers, Susan Myran, Center for Purposeful Leadership, Carl Nelson, Deborah and Jeff Nelson, Kathryn Nelson Hund, Will Nissen and Julia Jackson, Julian Noble and Rebecca Noble, Michael and Patsy Noble, Richard Nolan, Timothy Nolan, Kim Norton, Irene F Nosow, Julie O’Brien, R.T. Rybak and Megan O’Hara, Patty O’Keefe, Terry Olsen, Patricia A. Olson, Philip Olson, Thomas O’Neill, Carolina Ortiz, David Osterberg, Joseph F. Palen, Ian Palmer, Julie Palmer, Richard Parenteau, Hailey and Ben Passer, Robert and Elizabeth Passi, John Patterson and Donna Patterson, Kirk and Jo Payne, Frank Peacock, Molly Pederson, Shirley and Rich Peter, Diane J. Peterson, E. Eugene and June Peterson, Linda and Rick Peterson, Brian Peterson-Delacueva, Christopher and Ingrid Petrilla, Martins Petrovskis, Pdon Pinkham, Dorothy Piranian, Gerald and Lisa Pittman, Thomas Pollack, Joo Hee Pomplun, Kevin Porter, Kevin Pranis, Nolan Rains, Jay Rajaratnam, Thue Rasmussen, Atzín Rayas, Alex Reich, Victoria Reinhardt, Pat and Donald Renner, Resilient Cities and Communities, Kevin Reuther and Gerry Tyrell, Keith Richard, Kathryn and Roger Ringham, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, The Rittler Family, Henry B Robertson, Angela Robinson, Jo Anne Rohricht, Robert and Dolores Rosenbrook, Ariella Rotenberg, K. C. Rowe, Greg Ruhland, Carole Rust, Lucas Sabalka, Stan Sattinger, Betty A. Sayers, Gary Schettl, Joanna Schiffman, Paul Schroeder, Anne and Matt Schuerger, Donald Schuld, Jan Scofield, Kimberly Scott, Liz Sheets, Robert Sherman, Linda Shimon, Chelsea Shurmantine, Katie Sieben, Carrie Slater Duffy, Mary and Doug Smith, Jason Smith, Laura Smith, Jackie Smolen, Pam Sorenson, Philip Spensley, Jeanne Schleh and Robert Stanich, Brady Steigauf, Elisabeth Steigerwald, David Stein, DeeAnn Stenlund, Emily Stennes, Ray Stetkiewicz, Ronald and Diane Stevens, John Linc Stine, Hobie Stocking, Richard Strong, Pam Jewson and Pete Swenson, Beth Tamminen, The Pohlad Foundation, Melvin and Sharon Thelen, Michelle Thelen, Jillian Theuer, Bruce Thiel, Hillary Thomas, Priscilla J. Thomas, Derek Thompson, Richard and Marie Tietz, Mike Tikkanen, Mary T’Kach, Lyndon Torstenson, Michael Trepkowski, Gary C. Trogstad, Drew Turro, Sam and Megan Villella, Maria Vincent, Raymond Vito, Daniel F Vogel, Tyler Vogel, Amelia J. Vohs, Wesley Volkenant, Dwayne R Vosejpka, Jenna and Mark Wade, Tyler Walen, Dorothy and Fred Waltz, Sara Watson, Janiece Watts, John and Marlene Weber, Lora Wedge, Joel Weisberg and Janet Watchman, John Wenzel, Wernke Gift Fund, Gary Wertish, Rachel Wiedewitsch, Forest Williams, Richard and Lois Wintersteen, Guanbei Wondor, Gordon Woodcock, Carl Wurtz, Andrew Zimmer, Jackie and Steven Zimmerman
3M, Anonymous (3), Barr Foundation, Carolyn Foundation, Climate Imperative Foundation, Conley Family Foundation, Energy Action Fund, Energy Foundation, George Gund Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, Movement Strategy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, New Buildings Institute, New Venture Fund, Olseth Family Foundation, The Builders Initiative, The Joyce Foundation, The Wilson Foundation, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
Gifts in honor
Carol Andrews in honor of her parents, Doug and Mary
Chris Cohen in honor of Ethelyn Cohen
Rosemary Coleman & Davis Fox in honor of Meggie LaValley
Katie and Carl Crosby Lehmann in honor of Karen Contag
Dorren and Roger Erny, Jonathan and Kristin Engman, Jeff and Cathy Winter, Katie and Carl Crosby Lehmann, and Karen and Glenn Larson in honor of Ted Contag
Karen Froistad in honor of Mark Boyadjis (2)
Marilyn Gehrman in honor of her granddaughter, Mariko Parker
Alan and Judy Hoffman, Amy Crawford and Alice Johnson, and the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole in honor of Michael Noble
Amy Lemieux in honor of Tom Swain (2)
Minneapolis Area Realtors in honor of Minnesota House Representative Larry Kraft
Dorothy Piranian in honor of Bird Anderson
Riv-Ellen Prell and Steven Foldes in honor of Beth Pearlman
Leonardo Rapallini in honor of Federico Rossi
Debra L Rappaport Fund for Shleymut (Wholeness) in honor of Michael Noble and his incredible vision and leadership
Carole Rust, Lentz/Nixon Blue Sky Charitable Giving Fund, Linda Bruemmer, Phil and Karin Peterson and Adele Mehta in honor of J. Drake Hamilton
Timothy Samuelson in honor of Carl Samuelson
Dick Sarafolean in honor of his children
John Wenzel in honor of John Dunlop
Susan White in honor of Chuck Nadler
Nate Winkelman and Deborah Bryant in honor of Mother Earth
Gifts in memory
Anonymous in memory of Janet Hochfeild
Micah Bach Kinder in memory of Kay and Ron Bach
Sheila Bayle in memory of Glen Robert Olson
Kent and Annick Fritz-Smead in memory of
Cassie Harrington in memory of Dean Harrington
Monica Ingram in memory of Rex Ingram
Patricia Johnson Keller in memory of James A. Keller
Parable Wealth Partners in memory of Howard Polsfuss
Beth Squires in memory of Margaret Squires
Sheryl Theuninck in memory of Kenneth R. Lapham