What is a rate case? How do rate cases impact Minnesotans? We answer all your questions here and talk about how Fresh Energy is involved!
energy transition
The case for EV rebates in Minnesota and beyond
There is real potential for expanded electric vehicle (EV) purchase incentives, like rebates. Here’s how to make them equitable and accessible to all.
Meet fall intern Dat, helping accelerate heat pumps in Minnesota
Meet our fall intern, Dat Nguyen, a senior at Macalester College, who will be helping Fresh Energy accelerate heat pump deployment in Minnesota.
Untangling the FirstEnergy scandal: A guided tour of the biggest corruption case in Ohio history
Ohio did what? Join Fresh Energy, Energy News Network, journalists, and advocates from Ohio to walk through the biggest corruption case in Ohio history.
What’s up with heat pumps?
Heat pumps have been having a “moment” lately—and rightfully so. Avoiding the worst impacts of climate change means transitioning our entire economy, starting here in Minnesota, to be carbon-neutral by 2050. That requires a dramatic change in the energy that powers our homes, businesses, and workplaces, shifting away from burning fossil fuels towards using zero- and low-carbon alternatives. Heat pumps can help us make that transition.
Welcoming Mike and Joe to Fresh Energy!
As we round out the first half of summer, Fresh Energy is celebrating two new additions to our team. Our bold new strategic framework has continued to serve as a powerful guide as Fresh Energy leadership have filled the roles of staff who have moved on to new opportunities and created entirely new positions that will aid us as we continue pursuing our mission to achieve equitable carbon-neutral economies. We’re thrilled to have Mike and Joe on the team!