Strong policies are key to maximizing smart energy savings in our state that benefit homes and businesses. Based on new reports, Minnesota programs are working!
energy efficiency
How energy costs impact renters
Lee Lucas, board member of Community Stabilization Project, shares his personal story on how energy costs impact renters. Watch the video.
Innovative project to benefit renters and building efficiency
Through the Saint Paul Tenant-Landlord Energy Project, Fresh Energy and Community Stabilization Project are seeking to build a network of renters, landlords, and other critical stakeholders in the city to advance policies, provide education on energy-related issues, and support implementation of collaboratively developed solutions.
Buildings of the future and a more electric economy
In order to dramatically reduce our buildings’ energy footprints, we need to make them so super-efficient that they can run on small amounts of clean electricity.
Fresh Energy’s 25 years of progress on energy efficiency
When Fresh Energy was founded energy conservation was sort of a folksy thing that people taught their kids. Now, Minnesota is a leader on energy efficiency thanks to the energy savings and spending requirements included in the nation-leading 2007 Next Generation Energy Act. As the grid continues to get cleaner and cleaner, Fresh Energy’s efficiency work is shifting from focusing purely on energy savings and more on energy performance.
Fresh Energy proposes rate design that encourages energy savings for Minnesota Power
This week, Fresh Energy proposed a full revenue decoupling mechanism in Minnesota Power’s rate case at the Public Utilities Commission. Decoupling would benefit energy efficiency measures and provide rate stability in the Minnesota Power service territory.