Recent News

Feb 22, 2021

Welcome, Mari and Kathryn!

We’re pleased to welcome Mari Ojeda and Kathryn Krawczyk to the Fresh Energy team!

Feb 17, 2021

Minnesota Gears Up for Commercial and Multifamily Energy Code Advancements

The first few months of 2021 have been exciting for Fresh Energy and our partners working to advance more progressive energy codes in Minnesota.

Feb 16, 2021

Myth vs. Reality: What’s really happening in Texas?

Fresh Energy separates myth from reality around the effect the cold spell across much of the United States has on the energy system.

Feb 11, 2021

Xcel Energy’s IRP: Clean energy and renewable progress undermined by plans for new fossil gas

Fresh Energy and our partners have had the opportunity to dig into Xcel Energy’s IRP and provide expert feedback to the Public Utilities Commission.

Wind Farms Williams

Feb 11, 2021

Weigh In on Xcel’s Integrated Resource Plan Online

Weigh in on what needs changing in Xcel Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan! Public comments are due June 25, 2021.

Feb 05, 2021

Meet Aomie, Fresh Energy’s Capitol Pathways Intern

Aomie Washington is a proud North Dakotan and honorary Minnesotan pursuing a degree in English at Hamline University in Saint Paul.

Jan 26, 2021

Xcel Energy is Fined $1 Million for Solar Interconnection Problems

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has made a strong statement that utilities must do better, voting to fine Xcel Energy $1 million for the company’s poor service to solar customers in 2019.

Jan 25, 2021

Our Top 20 Accomplishments of 2020

The accelerating pace of climate change demands swift, bold action and we are rising to the challenge. To close the books on 2020, we’ve assembled this list of highlights. Together we made change happen!

Jan 21, 2021

Fresh Energy Statement: It’s Time for 100% Carbon-Free Electricity

Fresh Energy is deeply committed to ensuring that Minnesota’s path toward 100% carbon-free electricity is inclusive, ambitious, and equitable.

Jan 20, 2021

Fresh Energy Statement: President Biden to Rejoin Paris Agreement

We applaud President Joe Biden’s executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement. Rejoining the Paris Agreement signals to the rest of the world that the United States has a renewed commitment to acting on climate.