Recent News

Nov 18, 2021

Welcome Fresh Energy’s six new board members!

Our Board of Directors plays a critical role in guiding our clean energy and climate action. Join us as we welcome six new board members!

Nov 17, 2021

Rounding out COP26: Progress made, room for growth, and how we need to act now for our future

Substantial progress on clean energy and climate action was made at COP26, the global climate summit. But there’s ample room for growth. Read on for the details.

Nov 16, 2021

Be part of climate action in the Midwest

Give to the Max Day is coming up this Thursday, November 18, and we hope you will join us in celebrating Minnesota’s Giving Holiday by making a donation to support Fresh Energy.

Nov 16, 2021

11 items we’re energized about in the infrastructure bill

President Biden has signed into law the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Here’s what it means for clean energy.

minnesota state capitol building

Nov 08, 2021

Fresh Energy Statement: Congress passes historic infrastructure bill

With this historic bill, our country is on the path to reduce the carbon pollution that drives climate change while creating jobs and opportunity for all. And Minnesotans will feel these impacts. 

Nov 05, 2021

Anti-racism in practice at Fresh Energy

Fresh Energy is building upon the work we have engaged in on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and diving into a deeper analysis of anti-racism at our organization.

Nov 05, 2021

What’s up with the grid?

What is the grid and why does it matter? With media personalities like Jon Oliver dedicating air time to the topic, it’s time for a crash course—and Fresh Energy is here to help with our new explainer!

minnesota state capitol building

Nov 04, 2021

Xcel Energy’s announcement on reducing gas emissions warrants praise; will require careful implementation

Read Fresh Energy and partners’ comments on Xcel Energy’s announced intent to reduce emissions from its fossil-fuel gas distribution utility business.

Nov 04, 2021

New Report: Electrification of multifamily housing in Minnesota

As our electricity grows cleaner, we must invest in deep decarbonization, or electrification, of our residential multifamily buildings—a move good for under-resourced households and Minnesota’s climate goals.

Oct 20, 2021

Future Focus at the 2021 Virtual Benefit Breakfast

Last week, more than 475 people from Minnesota and across the country attended Fresh Energy’s Sixth Annual Benefit Breakfast. They took part in an inspiring conversation with our featured speaker, climate tech entrepreneur, Donnel Baird, and special guest, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (MN).