Virginia is the eighth state to commit to 100 percent carbon-free electricity. On the heels of this major announcement, we need to consider how Minnesota’s clean energy goals stack up.
A Decade of Shining the Light on Clean Energy News
In its 10 years of existence, Energy News Network has grown into a national news service that provides a vital service in a constantly changing media landscape.
Energy Efficiency Offers Big Savings for Minnesota’s Nursing Homes
Nearly every town, city, and suburb in Minnesota has a senior care facility. These facilities have a unique dual role in their communities as home for many elders and as a major employer. This role, coupled with Minnesota’s aging population and high standard of eldercare, is why now is the time to set Minnesota’s nursing homes up for future success and sustainability.
Advancing Energy and Equity at the Minnesota Legislature
Two weeks into what’s shaping up to be a fast-paced legislative session, we’re striving to make sure that all clean energy policies at the Capitol have equity at their core.
Fresh Energy applauds Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency’s plans to be 80% carbon-free in 2030
Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) announced on February 5, 2020, its plan to reshape its generation portfolio through the retirement of the Sherco 3 coal-fired power plant in 2020 and replace it primarily with wind and solar generation.
Taking a Closer Look at Diversity in Minnesota’s Energy Utilities
As a national clean energy leader, Minnesota has a significant opportunity to ensure that its shifting utility workforce better reflects our state’s growing diversity.