Recent News

Jul 19, 2022

Data snapshot: Renewable energy was the MVP during Minnesota’s June heat waves

Dig into this data snapshot to see how renewable energy helped keep the lights on and air conditioning running on June’s hottest days.

Jul 14, 2022

Join us in welcoming Brynn to the Fresh Energy team!

The Fresh Energy team is welcoming Brynn Sias as senior associate, advocacy campaigns. Get to know Brynn a bit!

Jul 06, 2022

Mat Krisetya on “creating an experience,” for Minnesota’s Upsize Magazine

Our Executive Lead, Organizational Health, Mat Krisetya spoke with Upsize Magazine about creating an experience during the hiring process.

Jul 04, 2022

Put your best foot forward!

For the first time ever, we have created Fresh Energy-branded wool socks that celebrate wind, solar, and clean energy. Here’s how to get your pair!

Jun 30, 2022

Fresh Energy Statement: Supreme Court setback will not slow Minnesota’s progress 

While a significant national setback for climate, this decision does not affect Minnesota’s ability to achieve its carbon goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and retire coal plants.

Jun 24, 2022

Fresh Energy Statement: Clean energy, climate, and the defense of human rights 

Fresh Energy supports the human rights of all, including the human rights of women, transgender, and gender nonconforming individuals in Minnesota, the Midwest, and beyond.

Jun 22, 2022

What’s up with DC Fast Charging for electric vehicles?

What is DC Fast Charging and how is it amping up in Minnesota? We answer those questions and more in this blog post!

Jun 17, 2022

ECO Act Update: One year of progress with even more to come

Implementation of the ECO Act is underway, let’s look back at the four biggest things that have happened so far, and what’s still to come.

Jun 10, 2022

Join us in welcoming Julia and Caitlin to the Fresh Energy team!

Julia and Caitlin have recently joined our Fresh Energy team “roster!” Get to know a bit about them in this blog.

Sabathani Community Center

Jun 08, 2022

A win for community energy resiliency

Xcel’s Integrated Distribution Plan includes, grid investments, stakeholder engagement, resiliency hubs, and more.