Over the thirty years since Fresh Energy’s founding, our policy work has done much to spur the transition to clean energy in Minnesota and beyond. With climate change fueling more extreme weather—and economic and racial disparities deepening—Fresh Energy recognizes that we must do much more.
In 2020 Fresh Energy updated the Strategic Framework that guides the organization. Based on careful analysis, we refreshed and redefined the mission, vision, and imperatives at the heart of our work.
“The quick summary is this: We must move faster toward change that is more ambitious and more equitable,” said Fresh Energy Board Vice Chair Nick Garbis, a leading member of the Fresh Energy strategic planning team.
Scientists agree that if we have any hope of addressing global climate change, we must be carbon neutral across the economy by mid-century or before. That means getting all the carbon pollution out of our electricity system as well as in other sectors such as transportation, agriculture, industry, and buildings.
The transition to a carbon-neutral economy is a transformative moment, and Fresh Energy’s new Strategic Framework underscores the need to seize this change as an opportunity to address disparities.
“We are committed to a just energy transition that creates jobs, builds prosperity, ensures affordability, and improves public health,” said Fresh Energy’s Lead Director of Energy Access & Equity Ben Passer. “Going forward, Fresh Energy’s policy initiatives will be even more intentionally designed to improve people’s lives and confront racial and economic inequities.”
As always, partnerships are at the heart of Fresh Energy’s work.
“Minnesotans are hungry for opportunities to address climate,” said Deputy Executive Director Sarah Clark. “Fresh Energy is doubling down on building the public resolve and shared commitment we need to power climate solutions at scale.”
A full copy of Fresh Energy’s updated Strategic Framework is available here.