The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is a state agency where some of our biggest energy decisions are made. Learn what the PUC is, how it works, and how we advocate for a cleaner future by engaging with the PUC.
Clean Electricity
What’s up with time-of-use rates?
Time-of-use rates incentivize people to stagger their electricity use throughout the day to use more low-cost, clean electricity more often in exchange for lower electricity bills. Learn how TOU rates play an important part in Minnesota’s clean energy future!
Regulatory Update: EPA releases new greenhouse gas reduction rules for power plants
A new set of rules from the EPA will limit greenhouse gas emissions from certain coal and natural gas power plants, as well as update requirements for air and wastewater pollution and
coal ash management.
What’s up with battery storage in Minnesota?
What battery storage projects are in Minnesota, and how are they helpful to our clean energy future? Read this post to learn how batteries are helping the Midwest use more renewable energy more often.
IVVO: The potentially powerful efficiency tool you’ve never heard of
Integrated Volt Var Optimization (IVVO) can make our electric grid more efficient, reducing emissions and saving customers money.
What is the Minnesota Energy Connection project?
Planning is underway for Xcel Energy’s Minnesota Energy Connection transmission line project.