New success stories developed by Xcel, CenterPoint, and the Minnesota Department of Commerce show the benefits of a “one-stop” whole building approach to spur energy efficiency in multifamily buildings.
Better Buildings
Minnesota shouldn’t bypass regular residential energy code updates
Fresh Energy believes that incorporating the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code residential provisions in the 2020 Minnesota Building Code is in the best interest of Minnesotans. Find out why.
How energy costs impact renters
Lee Lucas, board member of Community Stabilization Project, shares his personal story on how energy costs impact renters. Watch the video.
Innovative project to benefit renters and building efficiency
Through the Saint Paul Tenant-Landlord Energy Project, Fresh Energy and Community Stabilization Project are seeking to build a network of renters, landlords, and other critical stakeholders in the city to advance policies, provide education on energy-related issues, and support implementation of collaboratively developed solutions.
Buildings of the future and a more electric economy
In order to dramatically reduce our buildings’ energy footprints, we need to make them so super-efficient that they can run on small amounts of clean electricity.
Bringing older homes into the electric economy
As wind and solar markets grow, Minnesota’s electricity is getting cleaner and it’s becoming increasingly beneficial to power more of our economy with electricity. Just because you live in an old house doesn’t mean you can’t move toward a carbon-free, electric economy.