Bryan Herrmann

Bryan Herrmann serves as vice chancellor for finance and facilities at the University of Minnesota Morris. Herrmann has served as vice chancellor since 2015 and before that accumulated more than 14 years’ experience in enrollment management at the University of Minnesota Morris.

A diverse renewable energy platform is a key part of the UMN Morris campus community’s recent achievement of carbon neutrality in electricity. Herrmann and the team at Morris have been working on demonstrating energy storage on campus and through a partnership the West Central Research and Outreach Center on the Center for Renewable Energy Storage Technologies (CREST). He is also a leader on the Morris Model team, an award-winning group made up of partner organizations working together towards a shared vision of advancing a sustainable community in Morris, Minnesota and West-Central Minnesota. Bryan is committed to applying sustainability initiatives in his personal life, offsetting his personal energy consumption through a 20 kw solar installation at his home.

Bryan holds a bachelor of arts in economics and management from the University of Minnesota Morris and a master of business administration from the University of Minnesota Duluth.