About the “electrification and you” guide

Every aspect of our lives, including our health and our financial well-being, is impacted by the climate emergency. But we can turn the tide on climate change! Already, by working together, we’ve made great progress in cleaning up how we generate electricity. We’re moving off of coal and gas and onto carbon-free resources like wind and solar. Now, it’s time for us to focus on transitioning everything else to be carbon neutral–this is called decarbonization!

Decarbonization means evolving how we get around as well as how we build, heat and cool, and cook in our homes. And don’t forget, we also need to decarbonize our industry and agriculture sectors, including how we manufacture our goods and materials and produce fertilizers. Decarbonizing these aspects of our lives doesn’t just address the climate emergency; it saves money, creates jobs, supports healthy communities, and repairs systemic inequities.

Fortunately, historic federal investments through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and state investments are amping up these decarbonization efforts, and Fresh Energy has a team of experts dedicated to meeting the challenge. Sign up here to get news from Fresh Energy on the latest and greatest energy and climate news and action opportunities.

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