Thank you to our generous donors for partnering with Fresh Energy to make our work possible. Below, we recognize those who contributed to Fresh Energy’s work between February 1, 2022 – January 31, 2023.

Fresh Energy’s Power Circles recognize the leading individuals, businesses, and organizational members who make generous unrestricted contributions of $1,000 and above each fiscal year.
$10,000 or more
Anonymous (4), Aufmuth Family Foundation, Butler Family Community Foundation, Mike and Sharon Conley, Estate of Ediwin (Ned) L. Crosby, Cornelia and Eric Dayton, EcoTrust, Great River Energy, Mark and Kate Hanson, Marc Hugunin and Alice Pepin, Ralph Bruce Jacobson, Sarah F. Lang Fund at the St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation, Cotty Lowry and Laurie Jacobi, Sean McCauley, Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Mike Menzel and Kathy Iverson, Pam and Mark Moret, Mortenson, Parable Wealth Partners, Eric and Dana Pasi, Rahr Corporation, Federico and Nassim Rossi, Venkatesh Srinivas, Cassidy and Andrew Steiner, The David Winton Bell Foundation, The John Larsen Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Donna W. Allan and Bill Mahlum, Randy and Bird Anderson, Mark and Connie Andrew, Anonymous, Atomic Data, An Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Ted and Karen Contag, Davies-Sommer Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Eric and Benita Dieperink, Donor Advised Fund of Thrivent Charitable and Impact Investing, Ecolab, Ever-Green Energy, George and P Ann Fisher Foundation, Google Matching Gifts, Gary and Ammie Gronert, The Egan Lawless Family Fund, Jan and Rick Neville, Mark and Mary Jo Nissen, Parkera, Gary and Susan Rappaport, Matt Samuel, Serendipitous Leverage Fund, Chuck and Elise Smith-Dewey, The Crosswols Foundation, Paul White, Kate Wolford and Ed Reilly, Xcel Energy
$2,000 – $4,999
Alan and Lollie Eidsness, Alice Lesney, Amber Rudell, Ann and Karl Vohs, Anne and Peter Reich, Anonymous, Bill and Nancy Jones, Charles and Candice Nadler, Chris O’Brien and Jane Alexander, Christine and Loren Danielson, Christopher and Joan Ennis, Culp Family Foundation, Deborah Schlichting and Charles Blomme, Debra L Rappaport Fund for Shleymut (Wholeness), Design Forty Five, Forrest and Joan Meyer, Helen Paul and Steve Arnold, James Southwick and Joan Sundquist, Jennifer Melin Miller and David Miller, John Berns, Josh and Tisha Colton, Karen and Les Suzukamo, Kristin Rasmussen, Lane Ayres and Marion McNurlen, Lela Porter and Steve Lader, Leonardo Rapallini, Lucy and Bob Mitchell-The Longview Foundation, Lynn Glesne, McIvor Steiner, Medora Woods, Mindful Asset Planning, Nancy Johnson and Paul Anton, Nancy Ward, Nicholas Garbis, Pfund Polakoff Charitable Fund, Phil and Karin Peterson, Philip and Kathy Adam, Raymond F. Schmitz, Rebecca Erdahl, Rich and Liz Schiferl, Roberta Rott and Larry Hanke, Sunrise Banks, Terrance Brueck, The Connexus Energy Foundation, The Lader-Porter Charitable Fund, The Lilja Family Foundation, The Van Steenburgh/Ladner Family Fund, Todd Reubold, Wendy and John Strachota, Wenz Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
$1,000 – $1,999
Jim and Ellen Altman, Mary Anderson, Tom Anderson and Nancy Conger, Anonymous (3), Erika Spande, Jim Bertrand, Best Buy, Kerrie Blevins and Mike Walstrom, Craig and Stephanie Bowron, Bremer Bank, Jeff and Erica Broberg, C & M of Hallock MN, Carolyn Foundation Matching Gifts, CED Greentech Minneapolis, Steve and Christine Clemens, Bob & Diane Coderre, Cogent Consulting PBC, Amy Crawford and Alice Johnson, David and Kitty Crosby, Daikin Applied Matching Gifts, Davis & McConnell Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Charles Dayton and Sara Evans, RJ and Teresa Devick Charitable Fund, John and Susan Dunlop, The Ekdahl Hutchinson Family Fund, Erik Ekstrom, Teresa Morrow & Dale Pippin, Alison Forney, Frank and Gilbert Family Fund, Andy Goke, Peter Gove, Bryce Hamilton, Ibrahim Hanouneh, Shawn Hartfeldt, Hedeen Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust, Dan and Sara Holmdahl, Erin Imon Gavin & Paul Imon Pedtke, John Jacobi, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Matching Gifts, Jacqueline Johnson, Kathleen Jones, Steven Jorissen, Will and Claudia Kaul, Gary Konkol, Diane K Krueger, Jukka and Susie Kukkonen, Jeff and Amy Anne Lassig, Jenny and Rob LeFevere, David Leppik and Jordan Wood, Philip and Madeleine Lowry, Marcus and Regina Magnuson, James Manolis and Emily Green, Jacqui and Ron Mason, Medtronic Matching Gifts, Trent Mostaert, George Muellner, Caryl Nelson, The Nelson-Pallmeyer Justice and Peace Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, New Energy Advisors, LLC, Jane Newman and Amy Lange, Michael and Patsy Noble, Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church, Jed Norgaarden, Jim and Leigh Olmstead, Dick and Judy Ottman, Melissa Partin and Brian Martinson, Karyn & Steve Paulman, Beth Pearlman, Roger Peck and Jamie Hubbard, Steve Polasky, Joyce Prudden and Michael Shoop, Raj V Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram, Ranger Power, Melissa Rappaport Schifman and James Schifman, The David Robinson and Janet Ekern Fund, Thomas A. and Georgina T. Russo, Pouyan and Nedda Salehi, The Schmidt Family Fund, Gary Schokmiller, Karen and David Scott, Corbett Shelton, Doug Shoemaker and Pat Schoenecker, Nell and Chris Smith, Ken & Julie Smith, Nikki Sorum and Simon Foster, SPIRE Credit Union, St. Luke Presbyterian Church – Environmental Focus Group, Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal, Stoel Rives LLP, Strategen, Sunrun Inc., Robert Taylor, The Minneapolis Foundation, Thrivent Choice, Tunheim, Louis and Barb Turner, The Tuttle Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation, Michael K. Vennewitz, Peter and Kimberly Walsh, Wernke Gift Fund, Westwood Professional Services, Susan White, Eleanor and Fred Winston – The Longview Foundation, Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A., Carol Witte and Winston Cavert, Harry and Belle Yaffe Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Fresh Future League supporters are leaving a legacy of a healthy planet for generations to come by including Fresh Energy in their planned giving and estate plans.
Anonymous (4), Janet and Mike Brown, William Dow, John and Susan Dunlop, Marc Hugunin and Alice Pepin, Amy S. Lange, Dick and Joyce McFarland, Mike Menzel and Kathy Iverson, Stacy Miller, Teresa Morrow and Dale Pippin, Gary and Claire Nelson, Michael and Patsy Noble
3M, Anonymous (3), Askov Finlayson Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Barr Foundation, Carolyn Foundation, Center for Climate Integrity, Climate Imperative Foundation, Conley Family Foundation, Energy Action Fund, Energy Foundation, George Gund Foundation, Great Plains Institute, Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation, Institute for Energy Innovation, MacArthur Foundation, Marbrook Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Morgan Family Foundation, Mortenson Family Foundation, Movement Strategy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, New Buildings Institute, New Venture Fund, Olseth Family Foundation, Park Foundation, Porter Family Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Sixteen Thirty Fund, The Joyce Foundation, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Fresh Sustainer’s give a scheduled monthly, quarterly, or annual gift to Fresh Energy, providing a dependable source of support to speed the transition to a clean energy economy.
3M Foundation, Dick and Sharon Aadalen, Sandy Ahlstrom, Matthew and Kirsten Anderson, Nancy Andrews, Anonymous (22), Anonymous (65), Jason Astleford, Roger Ballentine, James Barott, Daniel Barry, Eric and Maria Bavier, Eric and Lisa Berglund, Kevin Borgia, Ralph and Mary Brindle, Stephen Brown, Richard Condon, Karl Craine, Kyle R. Crocker, Don and Jean Dahlstrom, Drew and Megan Davis, Rob and Liza Davis, John and Susan Dunlop, John Dyer, The Ebinger Family, EcoLab Foundation, Linda Engle, Louellen N. Essex, PhD, Lannell Farmer, Katie Fournier, Kent Fritz-Smead, Laurel Gamm and Charles Stephens, Mary Gard, Christine Gleckner, Leslie Glustrom, Nils Gokemeijer, Sandra Goodyear, Google Matching Gifts, William and Marlene Haider, Donald F. Hanson, Bob and Nancy Hassett, Charlie Hautman and Julane Hautman, Patrick Huelman, Lucinda Johnson, Steven Jorissen, Dan Katzenberger, John Kearney, John and Barbara Krenn, Amelia Kroeger, Brad Larson and Jennifer Johnson, Martha Larson, Christopher Leger, Neal Lesmeister, James Loewen, Jean and Arnold London, Ian MacDonald, David Marvosh, Microsoft Matching Gifts, Benjamin Miller, Bob and Mary Moncur, Mark and Mary Jo Nissen, Michael and Patsy Noble, Lori Olinger, Julia Olmstead, Steve and Shelley Orr, Douglas Owens-Pike, Ellen Palmer & Scott Alsleben, Ian Palmer, Tanya Paslawski, Brian PaStarr, Ken Paulman, Ken Pearson and Kate Poole, Cheryl Persigehl and Jonathan Flak, Lela Porter and Steve Lader, Angela Robinson, David Rudolph, Mary Savina, Gary Schettl, Karen and David Scott, Robert Secor, Gregg Severson, Tyler Slind, Mark Snyder, Venkatesh Srinivas, Elisabeth Steigerwald, Tom Strobel, Maria Surma Manka and Joram Manka, Dennis Thompson, UnitedHealth Group Matching Gifts, Dolores Voorhees, Jason Willett, Medora Woods, Andrew Zimmer
$500 – $999
3M Foundation, Ross Abbey, An Anonymous Giving Account at Fidelity Charitable, Anonymous (2), Louis Asher and Lisa Wersal, Peter H. Bachman and Janet Rice Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Roger Ballentine, Courtney E Barancin, James Barott, Eric and Maria Bavier, Sheila Bayle, Sara Bergan, Blueline Environmental, Charley and Shelby Bruce, Greg and Lisa Buck Charitable Fund, Collin and Caroline Burke, Mark V. Chapin, Page and Jay Cowles, Stewart F. Crosby, Kathy and Gary Denault, Sandra Denman, David and Jean Dunbar Family Fund, Stephen Metruck and Peggy Duxbury, Sarah Else, Bill Elwood and Betsy Allis, Justin Fay, FICO Corp Matching Gifts, Benjamin Fribley and Jo Olson, Ari and Susan Fuad, Kathleen Gavin and Philip Bither, Edward Gralla and Randye Schwartz, John and Patricia Gries, Carolyn Ham, Matt Hankey, Sarah and Richard Hardy, Hawn Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Jeff and Lucy Heegaard, John Heer and Jody Copp, Judy and Alan Hoffman, Monica Ingram, John and Thelma James, Sarah Johnson Phillips, David Knoblauch and Suzie Woodrich, Harriet and Daniel Kohen, MinnSolar Inc., Peter Laird, Erik Lindseth, Aaron and Erika Link, The Menne Family, Douglas Mensing and Ashley Beasley, Becca Milman, Polly and Ron Nesset, Robert Nevitt and Donna Portner, The Richard and Joan Newmark Fund, Cheryl Olseth and James Empson, John Orrison and Lydia McAnerney, Ann Marie Possis Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation, Quirsfeld Campbell Family Foundation, Dave Reichert, Debra Rodahl, Katherine and Robert Rogers, Don Salisbury, Chad Selmecki and Nan Madden, James and Jane Shinners, Tyler Slind, Rachel Speck and Lee Wallace, Charlotte Stephens, Tom Strobel, Michael and Stacy Sullivan, SunShare, Sustainable Resources Center, Pam Jewson and Pete Swenson, Richard and Cecile Swenson, Third Level Design, Warren Thompson and Lisa Kirkland, Mary T’Kach, Michael Troutman and Amy Blumenshine, John and Sally Turrittin, Steve Wilson and Mary Shedd, Mark and Carolyn Wolski, Xcel Energy Foundation
$250 – $499
Frank Altman, Nancy Andrews, Anonymous (2), Amarpreet Bains, Anjali Bains, The Doug and Lisa Bechtold Family Fund, Betsy Beck, Rolf and Lisa Bjornson, Jordan and Michael Brookens, Melissa Brown, Nancy Bruch, Joseph and Carol Burke, Sarah & Scott Burns, Hugh and Lori Cherne, The Cherne-Hendrick Family, Marilyn Christensen, Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Jay Coggins, Rosemary Coleman & Davis Fox, Esther Connor, Chris Conry, Gina Cooper, Drew and Megan Davis, Rob and Liza Davis, Devine Family Giving Fund, Randy and Paula Doroff Charitable Fund, The Ebinger Family, Claire Elkin, Paul and Elizabeth Erdahl, Tom Esch, Matt Krush and Elizabeth Fallon, Ethan Fawley and Lesley Schack, Kate Felicetta, Don Ferber, Mari Forbush, Foresight Associates, Carol Freeman, Laurel Gamm and Charles Stephens, Garry George, Allen and Andrea Gleckner, Sandra Goodyear, Don and Gerry Grant, Julie Bunn and Marlon Gunderson, Mercedes Gutierrez & Dan Wattson, William and Marlene Haider, Bree Halverson, Patrick and J. Drake Hamilton, Karen and Ken Hannah, Anna and Ian Harmon, Jeff Hassing, Ken and Kate Walters, Tim Hebrink, Nancy Read Hendricks, Cynthia and Russell Hobbie, Paul and Mary Hoff, Kathy Hollander and Rodney Johnson, Patrick Huelman, Illinois Tool Works Matching Gifts, Shaz Iqbal, Larry and Jane Jacobson, Steven Japs, Podaly and Des Jay, Gary and Susan Johnson, Barbara Lundblad and Nicole Johnson, Jones Lang LaSalle Matching Gifts, Slade Kemmet and Katie Harrington, Audrey Kingstrom, Larry Kraft, Ron Kroese and Kimberly Colburn, Peggy and Bruce Kvam, Brian Larson, Meggie LaValley and Joe Lofgren, Jim Lenfestey, Samuel and Karen Leon, Peter and Pam Leschak, Lynn and Steve Lewis, John C. Lillehei, MD, Sherryl Livingston, John and Mary Ann Lundquist, Bob & Marilyn Mackie, Bridget Manahan and Joe Alexander, Zdenek Mestenhauser, Benjamin Miller, Stacy Miller, Marie Cantino and Peter Millman, Alison and John Mix, Holly Morris, Thomas Mueller, Bruce D Nelson, Eugene and Julie Ollila, Julia Olmstead, Leigh and Al Onkka, Nancy Palmer and Michael Hopps, Bharat Parekh, Barb and Dick Patterson, Eva Pesch, Riv-Ellen Prell and Steven Foldes, The Reuther/Tyrell Hope Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, Sandy and Jim Rummel, Salesforce Matching Gifts, Dick Sarafolean, Lola Schoenrich and Peter Oppenheim, Robert Shepard, Janet R. Shoger, Sara Skinner and Javier de Ana, Stephen Smith, Catherine and Michael Spengler, Mark Spurr, Russ Stark, Elisabeth Steigerwald, Mary Nona and Jack Surma, The Colo Fund, The Right Hand Fund, Dennis Thompson, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Matching Gifts, Mike and Jessica Tobin, Jessica Tritsch, Paul Vaargo, Mary Vlazny, Tammy Walhof, Andrew Wattenhofer, Dick and Sandra Westby, Carol Winter, Mary Woollen and Clak Heindl, Katy and Dave Wortel, Ian Ziese
$100 – $249
Dick and Sharon Aadalen, Jonathan Abe, Patty Acomb, Cino Adelson, Deepak and Pamela Advani, Glenna Alevizos, Barbara Allan, Anita Anderson, Donna Anderson, Joyce Anderson, Leslie Anderson, Matthew and Kirsten Anderson, Cindy Angerhofer, Anonymous (22), Dario Anselmo, Tom Arneson, Lynn Arnsdorf, Rodney Baakkonen, Howard and Wendy Bach, Erika Bailey Johnson and Matthew Johnson, Jan Baker, Daniel Barry, Beds & Borders Landscape Design, Inc., Jim and Marsha Benshoof, Martin and Sheila Berger, Eric and Lisa Berglund, Peter Berglund, Bill Berneking, Katharine Biercre, Ginny and Rick Black, Hayley Block, George Boody and Ann Risch, Kevin Borgia, Boston Scientific Matching Gifts, Stephen Botts, Michele Braley and Nils Dybvig, Jean Brandes and Larry Beckel, Christine Bremer and Raleigh Little, Catherine Brennan, The Bretzke-Hanson Family Fund, Ralph and Mary Brindle, Tom and Mary Florence Brink, Tom Brinkman, Char Brooker, David and Doris Bryant, Chris Burda, Candace Campbell and Jerry Seck, Emily-Jane Carlson, Carolyn Carr and Jonathan Sellman, Jane Cerhan, Alison Cerier, Alexander Cheney, Cheq Bay Renewables, Kathleen and Steven Chesney, Jon and Betty Christensen, Shara Christensen, Shannon Churchward, Sarah and Whitney Clark, Erika Clyma, Adam Cohen, Ann E Cohen, Patrick Collins, Richard Condon, Micah Courneya, Karl Craine, Natalie Heer and Jeremy Cushman, Will Wlizlo and Sage Dahlen, Jonathan Behrends and Amy Dahlgren, Don and Jean Dahlstrom, Joe Dammel, Michael and Michele Darger, Sidarth Dasari, Gordon Deane, Patricia Denato, Scott Dibble, Katherine Doerr, Steve and Terry Dondlinger, Heather Douglas, William Dow, David Dudycha and Dorle Vawter, Clayton Dumcum, Rick Duncan and Beth Goodpaster, Dirk Durant, John Dyer, Julia Eagles, EcoLab Foundation, Mark Engstrom and Christina Yagjian, Eric Erb, Greg Erickson, Louellen N. Essex, PhD, Virginia Evans, Leslie Everett, Dan Falbo and Margaret Tehvan, Lannell Farmer, Lincoln Fetcher, Myles Fisher, Dutton and Caroline Foster, Katie Fournier, Kent Fritz-Smead, Stephen and Monica Frytak, Hew Fulton, Katie Galloway, Gerry G., Paul G, Christine Gleckner, James Gleckner, Luke Gliddon, Nils Gokemeijer, Gigi Dekko Goldman, Louise Gorenflo, Sachiko Graber, Joel Green and Rani Halpern, Michele Guala, Bob Gubrud, John Hall, Peggy Hall and Lee Barry, Emily Hansen, Donald F. Hanson, Nancy Hanson, Virginia Hanson, Bob and Nancy Hassett, Charlie Hautman and Julane Hautman, Kim W. Havey, Cheryl A. Thomas and Roger W. Heegaard, Susan Hellstrom, The Linda and Stewart Herman Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, Lisa Herschberger & Mark Clary, Beverly Jones Heydinger, Don Hickman and Sandra Kaplan, Jason and Nicole Hicks, Sarah Hinde, Leah Hiniker, Tom Hoffman, Holley Horrell and Craig McDonnell, David Hostetler, John Howard, Ken Howell, Scarlett Hubbard, Paul and Lynn Hunt, Sandy and Steve Hunt, Stephanie Hunt, David Hunter, Jamf Software Matching Gifts, Nathan Jandl, Karen Jeffords-Brown, Pamela Johns, Anna Johnson and Jules Gavin Bither, Cassi Johnson, Kathy Johnson, Lucinda Johnson, Margit and Eric Johnson, Timothy M. Johnson, Catherine Jordan and Steve Lick, Frank M Jossi, Phyllis Kahn, Martin Kapsch, Michael and Theresa Karels, Steve Karr, Dan Katzenberger, Cesia Kearns, Meg Kearns, Scott Keely, Phyllis and Don Kerr, Anita Kerssen, Jae Kim, Anne Kimber, Larry and Cynthia Koehler, David Koehser and Nancy Dunnigan, Ed and Anne Krawczyk, John and Barbara Krenn, Amelia Kroeger, Faith and Joel Krogstad, Jeanne Landkamer, Colles Larkin, Brad Larson and Jennifer Johnson, Karen and Glenn Larson, Martha Larson, Merwyn and Joyce Larson, Timothy Lederle, Caryn Lesser, Sara Lynn Newberger and Barbie Levine, Susan Light and Boyd Ratchye, Lauren Lindelof, Mark Lindquist and Kristi Schlangen Lindquist, Joe Lofgren, Jean and Arnold London, Jamie Long, Lorrie Louder, Katy Lowery, Timothy Lynch, Ian MacDonald, Lindsey Madden, Tim and Dianne Madsen, Ben Magnuson, Brian Mahaffy, Azimir Mahmic, Thomas and Sandra Mallon, Christie Manning and Frank Schilder, Jim Marchetti, Bonnie Marshall, Dennis Mashuga and Carol Atchley-Mashuga, Gregg Mast, Maureen McKenzie, Bill and Amy McKinney, Adele Mehta, Diane Meier and Reed Wahlberg, Tom and Aggie Meium, Micron Technology Matching Gifts, Microsoft Matching Gifts, Bill & Jill Middlecamp, Ana Sophia Mifsud, Steven Miles and Joline Gitis, Jan Mitchell, Paul and Karine Moe, Bob and Mary Moncur, Mike and Barb Morehead, Marilyn Morem, Lee Morgan, John Morrow, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Laura and Philipp Muessig, Simon Mui, Ann Mulholland, William Murphy, Gwen and Mason Myers, Susan Myran, Natural Resource Services, Inc, Robert and Carolyn Nechal, Susan Nelson, Laura Nereng, Bob Nesheim, Christina Nichols, Jean M Noble, Richard and Raymonde Noer, Art Norton and Karen Noyce, Kim Norton, Mary Lynn and Clay Oglesbee, R.T. Rybak and Megan O’Hara, Debbie Okerlund, Lori Olinger, Lee Olson and David Boyce, Muriel Olson, OneDigital, Tessy Orbea, Gabe Ormsby, Steve and Shelley Orr, Todd Otis, Michael Overend, Douglas Owens-Pike, Ellen Palmer & Scott Alsleben, M Bruce Parker, Beth R. Parkhill, Peter and Stacey Parshall Jensen, Tanya Paslawski, Eric and JoAnn Pasternack, Ken Paulman, Ken Pearson and Kate Poole, Jerry Peery, Larkin Perese, Debra Perry & Lou Riebe, Cheryl Persigehl and Jonathan Flak, Kent Peterson, Todd Pierson, Pdon Pinkham, Leigh Pomeroy, Liz Porter, Noelyn and Truman Porter, Alex Potter, Nicole Power, Paula Ramaley, Susan Ranney, Michael Reese, Bob Reichert, Darby Ringer, Gary Ringer, Richard Rinkoff, David Roberts, Angela Robinson, Paul Ricker and Liz Robinson, Ryan Robinson, Fred Rose, Susan Rosenthal, Gregory Rotter, Robert and Lynn Rudell, David Rudolph, Lisa Rudolph, Mary Savina, Patrick Schmidt, Kate Schreck, William and Katie Schroeer, Rebecca and Louis Schwartzkopf, Steve Seidl, Gregg Severson, William Sierks and Mamie Segall, Aaron Sinner, Amy Skoczlas Cole and Jason Cole, Dana Slade, Brendon Slotterback, Julie Smendzuik-O’Brien, Amy and Bryan Smith Cooke, Julia Smith, Sean P. Smith & Ryanne Overom, Mark Snyder, David Solomon, Scott Sponheim, Art Spooner, Jeanne Schleh and Robert Stanich, John Linc Stime, Scott and Amy Storrick, Jeff and Leanne Stremcha, Richard Strong, Maria Surma Manka and Joram Manka, Emma Sutton, Barbara E. Swanson, Tanko Family Giving Fund, Hannah Texler, The House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Sheryl Theuninck, UnitedHealth Group Matching Gifts, Nancy Dawn Van Beest, Matt Varilek, Gianluigi Veglia, Doug and Barb Veit, James Wagoner, Clifton Ware, Natalie Warren, Beth Waterhouse, Cora Weissbourd, Jason and Sarah Weller, Devona Wells, Joanna and Jon Wentz, Laura Wildenborg, Jason Willett, Claire Wilson, Thomas Witt and Mary Ruth M. Preus, Martha Wittrock, Dina Wolkoff, Tyson Sievers and Jen Wong, Denise Woods, Peter and Timna Wyckoff, Gil Young, Rosanne Zaidenweber and Mary Lesourd, Charlotte Zelle, Susan Ziesche, Andrew Zimmer, Ziring-Bakken Household, Zook-Stanley Family Fund, Erica Zweifel
UP TO $99
Jean Abbott, David Abel, Karen Achberger, Mary Adair, Sandy Ahlstrom, Cindy Albert, Bruce Anderson, John and Jeralyn Anderson, Anonymous (65), Camille Arsenault, Karen Ashikeh, Jason Astleford, William Atkinson, Cheryl Avenel-Navara, Grid Catalyst, Leo Babeu and Pat Schmieder, Rick and Kelly Babineau, John Backlund, Paul Bakken, Gene and Lois Bakko, Candace Barrick, Brian Barsi, Janet Bartz, Elizabeth Beck, Marguerite Behringer, Rachel Belvedere, Bradley Benn, Joni and Patrick Bennett, Sherry Berry, Doug Bessette, Ellen Biales, Jacque Bieber, Daniel Bissell, Allison Boblit, Katelyn and Dan Bocklund, Philip Borer, Juliet Branca, Barbara Brandom, Annika & John Brindel, Mary Broeker, Robert Brooks, Stephen Brown, Maureen Byrne, Lee and Ann Carlson, Thomas Cassell, Amy and Greg Caucutt, Brett Cease, Kirsten Christensen, Haley Churchill, Christov Churchward and Travis Novak, Laura Cina, Daniel Clarkin, Julie Close, Thomas Coleman, Gregory Collins and Kim Kleinschmidt, Lauren Colwell, Timothy Conners, Nan Corliss, Tracey Cramer-Kelly and Timothy Kelly, Van Crandall, Diann Crane and John Malotky, Creating Healthier Communities, Tom Critzer, Kyle R. Crocker, Robert and Alice Cronk, Eddie Cruz, Jeff Curtes, Dee Czech, Gail Daneker, Cynthia and Jasper Daube, Paul Debevec, John Deering, Gary and Connie Degrote, Lou and Nan DeMars, Julia DeNardo, Janice Devine and Peter Ruggles, Pat Dieckhoff, Cody Dierks, Elihu Dietz, Steve Dietz and Janet Malotky, Martha Jane Dobratz, Anne and Aaron Doepner, William Dorsett, Nance Duffy, George Dunn and Donna Harris, John Durcan, Christopher Dyson, Renee Ehlenz, Juliana Elchert & Dan Hollenhorst, R. Neal Elliott III, Kate Ellis, Scott Emery, Ken and Carol Engelhart, Linda Engle, Susanne Engstrom, Kirk and Sheila Enzenauer, Arline Epstein, Stephen Erickson, The Estee Lauder Companies Matching Gifts, Shanelle Evens Montana, Daniel and Jane Fark, Craige Farwick, Jim Fasching, Rebecca and JP Felling, Kate Finnegan, Bob Fitzwilliam, Eric Forsberg, Jogn Fortier, Catherine Fouchi, Ron Fraboni, Lisa Fralish and Ben Anderson, Rachel Frank, Mark Frederickson and Kathy Sullivan, Maren Friesen, Mark Gamm, Mary Gard, Laurie and Scott Gauer, Julie and Jim Gilkinson, Terry Gips, Leslie Glustrom, Ray E. Goebel, Phyllis Gorin, Rachel Hefte and Sean Gosiewski, Kris Grangaard, Joel and Sheila Griebie, Margie Grilley, Sharon Grimes, Carol Grob, Gunnar Groesbeck, Margaret Hasse and David Grothe, Lavona Grow, Gloria Gunville, Katherine Hahn Falk, Melissa Driscoll and Jay Hambidge, William Hansen, Alden Hardwick, Shawntera Hardy, Cassie Harrington, Jesse Okie and Mary Harrington, Jim Hart, William Hart, Fritz Hastreiter, Andrew Hatch, Amy Heart, Kayla Hecker, Mary Hennies, Marty and Judy Henry, Laura Hess, Nordis Heyerdahl, Janelle and Paul Hidgem, Travis Hinck, Nancy Hinrichs, Roberta Hodgdon, Del Holland, Thomas and Vicki Holm, Julie Holmen, Caroll Holmstrom, Carol Hooker, Paul Hopkins, Cullen Howe, Daniel Hoy and Louisa Kenosian, Casey Hudek, Pompeyo Sanchez and Elizabeth Hulstrand, Johanna Hunt, Igwhana, IronRange Partnership for Sustainability, Laura Irwin-Schack, Dana L Jackson, Deborah Jacobs, Stan and Janet Jacobson, Deborah James, Wendy James, Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew & Emily Jarrett Hughes, Clifford and Betty Johnson, Sherry Johnson, Dennis Jones, Judy and Michael Jones, Brendan Jordan, Holly Jorgensen, Andy Joyce, Richard Joyner, William Katzin, Barbara Kaufman, John Kaul and Gloria Gunville, John Kearney, Kerry Keen, Dan and Patty Kelly, Peter Kelly-Detwiler, Robyn Keyport, Bruce Keyzer, Kathleen Kiemen, John King and Ruth Wingeier, George and Virginia Kinney, Wendy Klager, Stuart and Mary Ellen Knappmiller, Deborah Knoss, Earl Knutson, Ryan Kopp, K.M. Kowalski, Lynn Krafve, Marianne Krist, Nick & Donna Krueger, Rob Kunzig, Michael and Mildred LaFontaine, Lee Ann Landstrom, Adam Larky, Matius L Krisetya, Tracy Leavenworth, Annette LeDuc, Greg Lee, Irene E. Leech, Christopher Leger, Duane Lengsfeld, Neal Lesmeister, Annie Levenson-Falk, David Lewenz, Steve Lindaas, Bill and Lu Lindstrom, Alice Lippert, Joseph Loer, James Loewen, Gail Loverud, Maia MacNeal, Maggie Madden, K. Mann, Jagadish Manvi, Larry Margolis, Lynn Markham, Lynne and Howard Markus, Denise Marlowe, Melissa Martensen, Joel Martin, David Marvosh, Jason Mason Morfit, Carol and Kenneth Masters, Thomas Matkovits, Merry Mattson, Lonni McCauley, Donald McClure, Patty McDonald, Tam McGehee, Mary McLeod, Joan McNeil, Mike and Marilyn Meeker, Rick and Joan Meierotto, Jack Meinzenbach, Carl Meissner, Microsoft Rewards, Christopher Miller, Evan Miller, Linda Miller, Nikki Miller, Sheila Miller, Ann Miller-Bowers, Craig Bublitz and Martha Minchak, Mindy Miner, David Moline, Ah-li Monahan, Sonja and David Montgomery, Briana Moore, Jennifer Morrow, Virginia Morrow and Dorian Adams, Paul Moss and Craig Miller, Larry Muelken and Renee Kaiser-Muelken, Randal Mueller, Margo Mukomela, Evan Mulholland, Diane Mundt, Kathleen Nawaz, Center for Purposeful Leadership, Karen and John Neenan, Kathryn Nelson Hund, Anne Ness, NextEra Energy Resources Matching Gifts, Jim Nichols, Timothy Nolan, James Norton, Amy Nupen, Julie O’Brien, Kathleen Olsen, Terry Olsen, Don and Darlene Olson, Patricia Olson, Ted Olson, David Osterberg, Joseph Palen, Ian Palmer, Ryan Panchadsaram, APB, Brian PaStarr, Clifford Patrick, Kirk and Jo Payne, Andrew Pearson, Bret Pence, Kacie Peters, Linda and Rick Peterson, Brian Peterson-Delacueva, Katherine Petrey, J. Petri, Martins Petrovskis, Barbara Pilling and Daniel Carlson, Michael W Pivec, Emily Pollack, Kate Poole, Jane Popp Simpson, Gene Porter, Kevin Porter, August Post, Michael Powers, Jacqueline Prince, John Pyle, Kevin Rackstraw, Julie Ragland, Nolan Rains, Corey Ramsden, Thue Rasmussen, Tom Reed, Suzanne Reedy, Victoria Reinhardt, Lance Reschke, The Rittler Family, Michael and Lael Robertson, Gary Rochau, Curtis Roe, Ellie Rogers & Louis McLaughlin, Jo Anne Rohricht, Robert J. Roos, Samuel Rosemark, Robert Rosenbrook, Robert Rossi, K. Rowe, Tim Rudnicki, Greg Ruhland, Richard Rundstein, Carole Rust, Carl Samuelson, Timothy Samuelson, Rachael Sand, Randall Sanderson, Mark Sanstead, Gary Schettl, Joanna Schiffman, Jeffrey Schimpff, Kay Lara Schoenwetter, Rachelle Schoessler Lynn, Paul Schollmeier and Chris Meyer, Ian Schonwald, Sue and Kevin Schreurs, Don Schuld, Michael Schwartz, Jan Scofield, Gary Scott, Robert Secor, Mary Serbacki, Patricia Sharkey, Doug Halliday and Rebecca Shedd, Linda Shimon, Laurie Siever, KT Simon, Carrie Slater Duffy, Mary and Doug Smith, Mary E. Smith, Priscilla Speakman, Brady Steigauf, DeeAnn Stenlund, Craig Sterle, Jerry Stoner, Judith and William Storrick, Scott Strand, Kristin Stuenkel and Kent Honl, Benjamin Surma and Johannah Scheu, David Takahashi, Beth Tamminen, Dean Taylor, Darryl Thayer, The Pohlad Foundation Matching Gifts, Melvin and Sharon Thelen, Dan Thiede, Michael Thimmesch, Priscilla Thomas, Peter Thompson, Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts, Elizabeth Thorson, Carla Tollefsrud, Gary Tonkin, Lyndon Torstenson, David Tracy, Gary Trogstad, JoAnn Trygestad, Richard and Carolyn Vandendolder, Nicolle VanWie, Don and Pat Vasatka, Marilyn Vialle, Michael Vickerman and Pamela Wisen, Daniel F Vogel, Dolores Voorhees, Dwayne R Vosejpka, Ellen Wahlstrom, Dana Wall, Jim Watts, John and Marlene Weber, Joel Weisberg and Janet Watchman, John Wenzel, Caleb Werth, Roger Wess, Ella Wetlesen, John Wexler, Marjorie Wexler, Darlene and Thomas White, Anne F Wildenborg, Steven Willins, Tom Wind, Richard and Lois Wintersteen, Jeffrey and Susan Witt, Sara and Doug Wolff, Debbie Wuerffel and W. Kirchgessner, Sue and Pete Wyckoff, Mary Zaudtke, Jackie and Steven Zimmerman, Jason Zollett, Sophie Zwak
Gifts in honor
Deepak and Pamela Advani, and Greg and Erin Wenz in honor of Nicholas Garbis
Hayley Block in honor of Judy Lissick
Sarah & Scott Burns in honor of Josh Colton
Lee and Ann Carlson in honor of Leigh Carlson
Gina Cooper in honor of the Fresh Energy Staff
Katherine Doerr in honor of Kathy Jones
Alan and Lollie Eidsness, Harry and Belle Yaffe, and Susan White in honor of Charles Nadler
FICO Corp in honor of Sara Holmdahl
Myles Fisher in honor of Michael Noble, for taking the time to mentor Myles Fisher
Katherine Hahn Falk in honor of Bird Anderson
Karen and Ken Hannah in honor of Laura Hannah
John Hubbard in honor of Scarlett Hubbard
Anna Johnson and Jules Gavin Bither in honor of the outstanding Fresh Energy staff
Karen and Glenn Larson in honor of Ted Contag
Maia MacNeal in honor of Suzie Hoops
Ted Olson in honor of Alan Wernke
Michael W Pivec and Jason and Nicole Hicks in honor of Erin Wenz
Riv-Ellen Prell and Steven Foldes in honor of Beth Pearlman
Mark Sanstead in honor of Steve Gartzke
Dick Sarafolean in honor of Diane L. Durnick
Sara Skinner and Javier De Ana in honor of Megan Voorhees
David Solomon, Peter Gove, Beth Waterhouse, and Alan and Judy Hoffman in honor of Michael Noble
John Wenzel in honor of John Dunlop
Gifts in memory
Ari and Susan Fuad in memory of Jamal Fuad
Catherine Brennan in memory of Reveren Zenko N. Okimura
Cynthia and Russell Hobbie in memory of Marcell Hobbie
Ellen Wahlstrom in memory of Robert Wahlstrom
Jacque Bieber in memory of James Mossman
Larry Herke in memory of Debra Herke
Laura Nereng in memory of Mary A. Schilling
Linda and Rick Peterson in memory of Samuel Peterson
Matius L Krisetya in memory of Mesach Krisetya
Michael Vennewitz in memory of Diane Loeffler
Monica Ingram in memory of Rex Ingram
Patrick Collins in memory of Tim Kennedy
Robyn Keyport in memory of Robert E. Swenson
Sheila Bayle in memory of Glen Robert Olson