Emmanuel Kwezi Tabaro

Fulbright - H. Humphrey Fellow


Emmanuel Kwezi Tabaro is a Fulbright – H. Humphrey Fellow at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

Kwezi’s work with Fresh Energy will focus on energy policy research, exploring the fate of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles as electric vehicle (EV) adoption increases, just transition strategies for the petroleum sector in Minnesota, and the impact of recycling on new mining needs.

Kwezi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology and Chemistry from Makerere University in Uganda and is currently taking independent coursework in public policy and public administration during his fellowship at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

Through his work with Fresh Energy, Kwezi looks forward to connecting with various groups across Minnesota and learning from others who are working to create environmental policies that prioritize environmental justice.