We found 538 results for your search.

May 10 | Positively Electric: Embracing clean electricity to power more of our economy

With Minnesota’s electricity mix becoming cleaner and less expensive – and oil and gas becoming dirtier, riskier and more costly – is it time to transition to a more electric economy? Fresh Energy thinks the answer is a resounding yes. We think it’s time to start putting electricity from the wind, the sun, and other local clean power sources into more of Minnesota’s economy.

MiEnergy Cooperative is building an all-electric, efficient future

Farmers and ranchers formed America’s electric cooperatives more than 75 years ago, as a strategy to secure electricity and bring stability to rural communities. MiEnergy, a co-op based in the Southeastern corner of Minnesota, and serving Northeastern Iowa as well, has been carrying power to its 18,700 member-owners since 1936.

Zoom backgrounds celebrating World Bee Day

Westmill wind and solar farm co-ops started as a small group of local people who wanted to make a difference. The co-ops now have almost 4,000 members who together turned those dreams into energy projects that now generate over 15GWh/year of renewable energy and are 100% community owned. For more information visit: http://www.weset.org/

Download free Zoom backgrounds from The Center for Pollinators in Energy.