We found 538 results for your search.

Avoided cost utilized in solar pricing after decades of impacting conservation

This summer, Minnesota became the first state in the nation to adopt a value of solar (VOS) tariff. This methodology, in contrast with net metering for solar generation, has a 25-year bill credit schedule rather than simply mirroring the retail rate as it fluctuates over time. While factoring in avoided cost may be a new idea for solar, factoring in the value of avoided cost has been used to analyze energy efficiency programs for over 40 years.

What’s up with time-of-use rates?

Time-of-use rates incentivize people to stagger their electricity use throughout the day to use more low-cost, clean electricity more often in exchange for lower electricity bills. Learn how TOU rates play an important part in Minnesota’s clean energy future!

Understanding the gas system

Are you familiar with the hidden natural gas system beneath your feet? Read on to learn how gas utilities are expecting to grow the system over the coming decades—and why that’s a problem for the state’s decarbonization targets.