Envisioning an all-electric economy

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Thanks to strong policy leadership and abundant renewable resources in our state, Minnesota’s electricity mix is becoming cleaner and cleaner, with much more wind and solar. Fossil fuels like oil and gas, on the other hand, are getting dirtier and are becoming riskier both financially and environmentally.

For 25 years, Fresh Energy has been working to transition to a clean energy system in the state. Increasingly we see that an “all-electric economy” may just be the answer. The keys are to:

  • Power more of our economy with electricity while simultaneously ensuring that our electricity comes from the wind, the sun, and other clean, local energy sources.
  • Build new homes and other buildings that are so energy efficient that it takes only small amounts of electricity to heat and cool them.
  • Reconsider our electric system and embrace technology that can help spread consumer demand out over time – reducing costs for everyone.

You can learn more by watching a new video produced in partnership with the Minneapolis Foundation , where Fresh Energy executive director Michael Noble lays out his vision for Minnesota’s all-electric economy.